Humans have pushed North Atlantic right whales to the brink of extinction.

North Atlantic right whales are iconic to New England, yet they have been driven to extinction by human-caused threats. Today, only around 360 North Atlantic right whales remain on the planet. Accidental entanglements with fishing gear and collisions with speeding vessels are killing this species. 

Since 2017, at least 34 right whale deaths have been documented, and more than 16 whales have sustained severe injuries from entanglements and collisions. Reports suggest that more than 85% of North Atlantic right whales have been entangled in fishing gear at least once in their lives. 

And now, a fast-warming ocean is shifting right whales’ food supply, driving the species north to waters where they haven’t traditionally been found.  

Though the situation is dire, we can still stop the whales’ extinction with urgent action. That’s why CLF is pursuing every angle to save these animals. 

  • CLF is using the law to force the federal government to protect North Atlantic right whales. The Endangered Species and Marine Mammal Protection acts require government action, but regulators have not moved fast enough so far.
  • We are also fighting to protect areas that are important to right whales. We are demanding the government enact stricter speed regulations for vessels, support seasonal closures, and ensure offshore wind projects don’t cause harm. 
  • With the help of our partners, we are pushing governments, industries, and other stakeholders to fund new fishing technologies. This innovative gear will remove deadly fixed fishing ropes from the water and allow both fishing and whales to coexist.

We can save North Atlantic right whales before it’s too late.