Serving New England
When CLF is on the case, that means the country’s best lawyers, economists, advocates, and analysts are fighting for you, your community, and your future.
What we focus on:
We know taking on big issues in small towns can make a big impact.
We not only pay attention to what’s happening in New England communities, we actively stand with our neighbors at town meetings and local hearings. When a community is fighting a powerful opponent, our expertise and clout can make all the difference. When we tip the balance in a small town, it often has huge implications for the entire region.
We never give up and go home. We are home.
Some of our most critical and successful campaigns involve lengthy litigation and multiple battles against powerful opponents. Witness our 30-year fight to restore Boston Harbor to the people of New England or CLF’s 10+ years on the front lines to end Vermont Yankee’s polluting legacy. We stand with our neighbors and our allies through to victory.