Conservation Matters: Spring 2022 - Conservation Law Foundation

Conservation Matters: Spring 2022

Despite the clear and present dangers their oil storage facilities pose, including to communities here in New England, Big Oil has failed to invest in measures to safeguard them from sea level rise and increasingly powerful and frequent storms – climate harms their polluting products have caused. Indeed, they haven’t even taken the required steps to stop the risk of toxic pollution resulting from their everyday operations, let alone the potentially catastrophic flooding predicted from more extreme weather.  

We can – we must – hold the industry accountable. For CLF, that means wielding the power of the law to force oil giants like ExxonMobil, Shell, and Gulf to answer for their climate deceit in court.

Big Oil on Trial
CLF is taking Big Oil to court for failing to prepare their vulnerable facilities for climate change.

Five Questions for…
When Win Quayle retired after a successful career as a corporate partner and general counsel at Ropes & Gray LLP, he turned his time to volunteering – including as a Senior Fellow at CLF.  organization.

Progress Report
Cutting climate-damaging emissions

Why I Give
Tami Nason