Apr 11, 2017

CLF Fights for Cheaper Energy Bills at Maine Supreme Court

“If you could pay a lot less for the same product, why wouldn’t you? That’s what energy efficiency is about – lowering our electric bills without turning out the lights,” said Emily Green. “The PUC’s decision to underfund this critical program defies all economic sense, environmental sense and common sense. Thanks to three LePage-appointed commissioners, Mainers will be throwing away a quarter of a billion dollars.”

transmission lines
Apr 05, 2017

NH Seacoast Water Testing Finds High Levels of Dangerous Toxics

“We all have a stake in ensuring clean, healthy water, and seeing such high levels of toxic chemicals in our collective backyard is unacceptable,” said Tom Irwin, Director of CLF New Hampshire. “These toxics, which have already forced the closure of a drinking well at Pease, are flowing into local brooks and streams that lead to the Great Bay estuary, endangering communities throughout New Hampshire. It’s time for Pease Development Authority to step up and put an end to this perilous pollution.”

Mar 29, 2017

CLF and Partners Fight to Protect New England’s Only Marine Monument

“At Conservation Law Foundation, we have worked for years with scientists and members of the public who support permanent protection of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts and other such special areas,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel for the Conservation Law Foundation. “We need to intervene in this unfortunate litigation filed by fishermen – who use this area little, if at all – to ensure New Englanders’ and scientists’ views are properly before the court as it considers the industry’s claims.”

Mar 28, 2017

President Trump Decimates Critical Clean Air Protections

“President Trump’s decision to roll back EPA’s modest, common-sense climate rules betrays his promises to ‘drain the swamp’ and ‘promote clean air and water,'” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Instead, fossil fuel lobbyists from the swamp are bending a once-revered agency to their will and reversing essential protections. EPA has a legal and moral obligation to protect the public from climate-changing air pollution, and CLF is ready to enforce that obligation despite the president’s despicable action today.”

Mar 27, 2017

NH Commission Stops Eversource Scheme to Gamble Public Money

“For the second time in six months, the PUC has shot down an Eversource scheme that would put New Hampshire businesses and families at risk,” said CLF New Hampshire Director Tom Irwin. “From financing gas pipelines to tipping the scales for Northern Pass, Eversource keeps trying – and failing – to gamble its customers’ hard-earned money on unnecessary and unwanted infrastructure. As the illusion of Northern Pass’s public value continues to be shattered, it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing comes tumbling down.”

Mar 20, 2017

Coalition Calls on Vermont Legislators to Protect Water Quality

“Clean water is an absolute right for everyone who lives, works and plays in Vermont, yet we still have a long way to go in protecting this vital resource,” said CLF Lake Champlain Lakekeeper Rebekah Weber. “We’ve seen beach closures, lowered property values, business losses, and serious public health risks from the pollutants we allow into our waterways. The people of Vermont deserve better, and it’s time for our elected representatives to step up to the plate.”

Mar 08, 2017

Baker Administration Takes Steps to Weaken Water Protections

“EPA’s permitting program has for decades provided important protections for our water,” said CLF attorney Caitlin Peale Sloan. “Proposing inadequate funding from an already-strapped environmental protection budget in order to create a weak program demonstrates a real lack of understanding on behalf of our state leaders. While we certainly have reason to be wary about EPA’s continued ability to perform in the coming years, we cannot allow these near-term fears to push us into making a dangerous, long-term change. Massachusetts legislators should reject the proposal in its current form, and CLF welcomes the opportunity to work with the Baker Administration in finding a solution that actually provides continued protection for our natural resources.”

Mar 07, 2017

CLF Takes Invenergy to Court Over Gas Plant Proposal

“The people of Providence have a right to determine where our water goes,” said CLF attorney Max Greene. “Coercing us into selling off this public resource to power a fossil fuel plant we don’t support is not only irresponsible – it’s illegal. Invenergy’s last hope for this project rests on strong-arming our capital city, and we won’t let them get away with it.”

Mar 02, 2017

With Rick Perry at the Helm, U.S. Energy Future Under Threat

“With the Senate’s approval, Rick Perry today joins a long list of cabinet members unabashedly hostile to the missions of their agencies, resistant to the laws Congress has charged them with administering, and unwilling to allow science to guide their decisions,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “This is more reckless than extreme partisanship and more dangerous than overblown rhetoric. It puts every American on notice that the rule of law is in peril.”

Mar 01, 2017

Maine Takes Giant Leap Backward on Solar Energy

“Imagine you make the decision to save money by using a clothesline rather than a dryer, but at the end of the month you are billed for the energy you saved,” said Sean Mahoney, Director of CLF Maine. “That’s what the PUC has just done to every family and business that uses solar power. Revoking the incentive structure alone would have been outrageous, but to go one step further and actually charge us for electricity we’re not buying is downright criminal. Once again, we see this LePage-appointed commission kowtow to the whims of Big Gas and Big Oil while leaving the people of Maine out to dry.”