Jun 15, 2017
“From local innovators to the small farms that blanket our state, our food economy is at the heart of Maine’s cultural identity,” said CLF advocate Phelps Turner. “CLF’s Legal Food Hub helps these food businesses move beyond costly legal needs so they can focus on growing, thriving and providing for the community. Today this program hits a major milestone, but the work of creating local and sustainable food systems across Maine is far from over.”
Jun 12, 2017
“The iconic fields off Exit 4 are a central tenant of our state’s cultural identity, and thanks to the power of grassroots activism and strong advocacy, these fields will be a source of local, healthy food for generations to come,” said CLF senior attorney Sandra Levine.
Jun 07, 2017
“The Lawrence canals are a core element of the city’s urban landscape, and the people of Lawrence deserve better than to see them neglected and allowed to decay,” said Rafael Mares, Director of CLF’s Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice Program. “When you walk around the streets of Lawrence, you see a thriving community held back by this major blight in the heart of their city. Essex Company, LLC needs to take immediate action to restore the vibrancy and integrity of these canals, and if they refuse, we’ll be standing with the community, ready for the fight.”
May 31, 2017
“President Trump’s reported decision to withdraw from the historic Paris Climate Agreement puts the U.S. on the wrong side of history and at odds with nearly 200 other countries that understand the threat climate change poses to the global economy and our survival as a species,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “CLF will be fighting to ensure this stroke of the president’s pen does not alter New England’s effort to protect our communities from climate risk and does not deter the innovators leading the expanding world market for the clean energy technologies that will shape our future.”
May 22, 2017
“The Saugus ash landfill sits at the heart of a thriving community, yet landfills of this type are infamous for releasing lead, mercury, and other cancer-causing chemicals into our air and water,” said CLF attorney Kirstie Pecci. “Despite this significant hazard, the landfill has operated for decades without monitoring its impact or creating an adequate barrier from the families and businesses that call Saugus home. It’s time for Wheelabrator to answer for its years of neglect and finally commit to water quality monitoring as the law requires and the community demands.”
May 18, 2017
“Logan Airport is both a major gateway to New England and a microcosm of the region’s climate, pollution, and transportation challenges,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “With this landmark agreement, Logan moves to the head of the class in reducing airport soot, smog, and greenhouse gas emissions, while improving the experience of air travelers and the health of neighboring communities.”
May 01, 2017
“In March, the PUC turned its back on the people of Maine, our laws, our health, and our economic well-being,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “These new solar rules are regressive, harmful, and illegal, and that’s why we’re pushing back on all fronts. We’re optimistic that the legislature will stand on the side of Mainers and protect our air and our wallets, but if they fail to act, it will fall to the state’s highest court to do the right thing.”
Apr 28, 2017
“If we knew four years ago what we know now, this project would never have been approved,” said CLF senior attorney Sandra Levine. “With costs skyrocketing while renewable alternatives are cheaper than ever, it’s become increasingly clear that this pipeline is a bad deal both economically and environmentally for the people of Vermont. We cannot give this project a free pass while Vermonters pay the price.”
Apr 26, 2017
“This Executive Order is an attack on America’s national heritage,” said CLF Senior Counsel Peter Shelley. “For more than a hundred years, presidents of both parties have used the Antiquities Act to protect our most treasured places. Attempts to change the fabric of our national monuments are unprecedented, and we will continue to fight back on behalf of these places that belong to all Americans. An attack on any monument is an attack on them all.”
Apr 18, 2017
“Today’s agreement is a massive victory for all Vermonters who take pride in our state’s rich farming heritage,” said CLF senior attorney Sandra Levine. “When you pull off this scenic highway exit, you should be greeted by sprawling fields and colorful produce, not bulldozers and industrial parks. Thanks to the hard work of all parties involved, this valuable farmland will be back where it belongs – in the hands of local farmers supported by, and providing for, our communities.”