Jan 11, 2017

MA Court Quashes ExxonMobil Attack on Law Enforcement

“Today’s decision sends a strong signal that no corporation is above the law,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “ExxonMobil has spent decades deceiving the public and gambling the health and safety of communities across the state, and Maura Healey has not just the right but the responsibility to investigate the full extent of the company’s wrongdoing. CLF is proud to stand behind the Attorney General as she works day in and day out to protect the people of Massachusetts from the threat of climate change and those who would seek to ignore it.”

Jan 04, 2017

CLF Calls Electric Vehicles Bill a Positive Step Forward in Reducing Polluting Emissions

“Massachusetts consumers want electric cars, but convenient access to charging stations is a barrier to getting more electric vehicles on the road. This bill helps communities promote the charging infrastructure necessary to support increased electric car sales in the state,” said Megan Herzog, Staff Attorney, Conservation Law Foundation.