Jan 30, 2018

CLF Brings LePage to Court for Outrageous Wind Power Decision

“This Executive Order is a naked political attempt to impose the Governor’s own anti-renewable energy philosophy on the people and businesses of Maine,” said CLF Executive Vice President and Maine Director Sean Mahoney. “It is a clear violation of a fundamental premise of government established by the Maine Constitution – the separation of powers between our three branches. Not only is it illegal, but it is also bad for Maine’s economy where businesses need to have certainty in order to invest. As with other decisions of this Governor concerning energy efficiency and solar power development, Mainers across the state will suffer from this outrageous effort to hamstring our economic future, and CLF will do everything in our power stop it.”

Photo: Wind turbines
Jan 25, 2018

CLF and Cronin Group Reach Settlement on Public Benefits for 150 Seaport Project

“A project that had been a battleground will now create common ground,” said CLF president Bradley Campbell, “and Jon Cronin deserves credit for resolving differences with CLF in favor of expanded public access to the waterfront.  CLF spent decades and taxpayers have spent billions of dollars transforming Boston Harbor from an open sewer to a natural treasure and an engine of new growth.  This settlement honors those public investments and makes clear that greater public access can go hand-in-hand with new development.”

Jan 25, 2018

Northern Pass Selection Shows Utter Disregard for Public Outcry

“Choosing Northern Pass reflects a process corrupted by the heavy hand of our region’s largest utility,” said Greg Cunningham, Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “This decision is a slap in the face to dozens of affected communities and thousands of local residents who have been outspoken in opposing this harmful proposal. Northern Pass’s developers have shown total disregard for the permanent and severe impacts this project would have on communities and the environment. To sell their project, they have peddled mistruths to the public and to the selection committee. It is not the solution Massachusetts wants or needs, and CLF will continue to oppose it.”

transmission lines
Jan 23, 2018

CLF Announces Lawsuit to Protect the Nashua River

“Fort Devens should be setting the gold standard for building a thriving, ecologically sound community from the ground up,” said Christopher Kilian, Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Healthy Forests program. “Instead, these developers are putting neighbors at risk by allowing unrestricted, unpermitted pollution into the already-distressed Nashua River. It’s time to make Fort Devens a key feature of this vital river’s road to recovery rather than a barrier in its way.”

Jan 18, 2018

Advocates Applaud NH Senate for Passage of Lead Poisoning Prevention Bill

“For too long, we’ve put New Hampshire kids on the front lines of this serious public health problem – risking their health and their futures with the permanent effects of lead poisoning,” said Tom Irwin, Director of the New Hampshire office of Conservation Law Foundation. “Today’s vote is a victory for kids across the state. And because childhood lead poisoning often has a disproportionate impact on low-income communities and people of color, creating yet another barrier to breaking the cycle of poverty, today’s vote is a victory for some of New Hampshire’s most vulnerable children and families. We look forward to seeing the Governor sign this important bill into law.”

Photo: lead paint
Jan 03, 2018

Advocates Praise Passing of Lead Poisoning Prevention Bill

“Childhood lead poisoning is a problem of statewide concern, affecting New Hampshire kids in rural and urban communities alike, and across all demographics, said Tom Irwin, director of the New Hampshire office of the Conservation Law Foundation. “But it’s a problem that disproportionately affects low-income families and some of our most vulnerable populations, and by impeding the ability of children to learn, it’s creating yet another barrier for families trying to break the cycle of poverty. Today, the House took an important step towards better protecting New Hampshire’s children and families.”

Dec 20, 2017

CLF Healthy Neighborhood Work Gets Massive Boost

“From addressing air pollution, to improving public transit, to building sustainable food systems and more, community health is the cornerstone of everything CLF does,” said CLF president Bradley Campbell. “New research collected on-the-ground has enabled us to chart a course for transformational change in Boston and other urban centers across Massachusetts tailored to the unique needs of each community. Thanks to this generous grant from RWJF, this proven model will be expanded and replicated nationally.”

Dec 15, 2017

Massachusetts Gives Huge Handout of Public Land to Private Developer

“This is quite possibly the worst decision ever made on who has access to our public tidelands and waterfront,” said CLF senior counsel Peter Shelley. “And it now sets a precedent for even worse privatization of public tidelands in the future.  It comes at a time when the public is justifiably upset that wealthy developers and luxury condominiums are walling off Boston Harbor from the people who paid to clean it up and make it attractive in the first place — the people of Massachusetts.”

Dec 05, 2017

Maine Delays Disastrous Anti-Solar Rule

“This senseless rule jeopardizes the growth of clean, local solar energy in Maine,” said CLF Maine Director Sean Mahoney. “Today the PUC pulled back to avoid an inevitable catastrophe. But delaying implementation doesn’t fix the fact that this rule hurts businesses and families, hampers our energy independence, and harms one of the fastest growing sectors of Maine’s economy. We need to eliminate this disastrous policy, not just procrastinate its implementation.”