May 03, 2018
“Even in extreme winters far colder than this year’s, New Englanders don’t need to worry about ISO’s ability to keep the lights on as we transition away from fossil fuel electricity,” said David Ismay, Senior Staff Attorney at CLF.
Apr 26, 2018
“This vote deals a significant blow to New Hampshire residents and the environment,” said CLF Staff Attorney Melissa Birchard. “RGGI revenues were always intended to be invested in energy efficiency in order to save Granite Staters money on their energy bills and protect our environment. There’s a lot of talk in New Hampshire about lowering energy bills, but this vote shows that when push comes to shove, some legislators just won’t stand up for the cheapest, easiest way to lower energy costs.”
Apr 24, 2018
“Vermonters deserve a safe Lake Champlain, and the state must drastically improve its clean-up efforts,” said CLF Lake Champlain Lakekeeper Rebekah Weber. “Toxic blue-green algae threatens both the health of the lake and the people who enjoy it. Our elected officials must pass legislation that invests in this iconic resource.”
Apr 23, 2018
“Jen Duggan is a tireless defender of the right of all communities to have access to a clean and healthy environment,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “Jen has a lengthy track record of holding polluters accountable, including successfully limiting toxic discharges from coal plants and oil refineries. Her experience developing and executing campaigns to clean up illegal pollution from industrial facilities, combined with her leadership in government to protect Vermont’s natural resources and safeguard communities, make her uniquely qualified to advance the work of CLF.”
Apr 20, 2018
“Climate change demands that we set aside harmful, unnecessary fossil fuel pipelines, and today’s decision is a step in the wrong direction,” said Sandra Levine, Senior Attorney at Conservation Law Foundation. “Without a fresh look at what has become an entirely new project, the troubled Vermont Gas pipeline will saddle Vermonters with higher costs and more pollution for decades.”
Apr 10, 2018
“Legislators loyal to the LePage ideology failed us by allowing the Governor and the PUC to unnecessarily raise electricity costs for all Mainers, while depriving us of the right to fairly produce and consume our own solar power,” said CLF attorney Emily Green. “Solar power is good for Maine, and leaders who block its progress are doing so at the expense of individuals, families, and local businesses. Fortunately, the legislature’s failure today is not the last word on the PUC’s regressive, harmful rule, because we have taken this fight to the state’s highest court and anticipate a decision soon.”
Apr 09, 2018
“By issuing this permit, the Baker administration has clogged our community’s air, water, and land with another 500,000 tons of toxic ash in Rumney Marsh,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of the Zero Waste Project at Conservation Law Foundation. “We will all be able to breathe easier when the Commonwealth stops pandering to dangerous landfills and starts protecting public health by enforcing its zero waste regulations.”
Apr 02, 2018
“Alyssa Rayman-Read is a tenacious legal advocate who brings a depth of experience in reducing inequalities and enhancing the rights of vulnerable communities,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “Her courage in building bridges amongst unlikely allies; her conviction in amplifying the voices of those who have been side-lined; and her commitment to social and climate justice make her uniquely qualified to advance CLF’s mission in Massachusetts.”
Mar 31, 2018
“Strong solar policy helps create jobs, protects our environment, and lowers energy bills. By vetoing the solar bill, the Governor is taking money out of the wallets of hardworking Mainers and threatening our energy independence,” said Emily Green, CLF Staff Attorney. “Our legislators must stand by the people they serve, and shut down the Governor’s irrational attempt to sabotage Maine’s clean energy future.”
Mar 28, 2018
“Taking Northern Pass off the table is the right call for Massachusetts and New Hampshire,” said Greg Cunningham, VP and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Having been rejected now by two states, the writing is on the wall for Northern Pass – Eversource should pull its plug once and for all.”