Dec 12, 2018

Maine Suspends Fee on Medium and Large Solar Customers

“It is senseless to punish solar panel owners for generating their own electricity, and today’s ruling finally recognizes that fact,” said Emily Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “This regressive policy burdened businesses with unnecessary fees and thwarted efforts to expand solar energy in Maine. Clean, job-creating solar will help end our addiction to dirty fossil fuels and we must do more to encourage it, including eliminating this senseless fee for homes and small businesses next.

Dec 05, 2018

Conservation Law Foundation Releases Guide to the Massachusetts Public Waterfront Act

“The waterfront areas across the Commonwealth belong to all of us, not just wealthy corporations and luxury condo owners,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “It’s important that residents are informed of their rights and are empowered to be advocates to protect access to land that belongs to them. The People’s Guide continues a tradition of working with the community to protect public access and promote open space.” 

Nov 20, 2018

New Hampshire Pilots Residential Battery Storage Program

“This program will provide a much-needed reduction in our use of the electric grid when prices and pollution are at their highest levels,” said Melissa Birchard, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Storing energy inside New Hampshire homes will allow families to keep their lights on when storms inevitably hit, and will save money on electricity bills. This is a win-win that encourages the installation of rooftop solar in the state and reduces the need for costly transmission infrastructure. The agreement should be approved by the Public Utilities Commission.”

Nov 19, 2018

CLF Petitions to Protect Rhode Island Waters

“No one should be given a free pass to pollute Rhode Island waters,” said James Crowley, Staff Attorney at CLF. “Years of toxic runoff have endangered our waters, closed our beaches, and threatened important wildlife habitats. Our communities deserve to enjoy these areas without being sickened by toxic pollution that has gone unchecked for decades. The state has the power to hold these polluters accountable and it must act now to protect our waters for future generations.”

Nov 02, 2018

Environmental Groups Announce Lawsuit to Protect Merrimack River

“Merrimack Station has been endangering the environment and the public’s health for decades,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “Not only is this coal-burning plant damaging our climate, it has also dramatically undermined the health of one of our most iconic natural resources, the Merrimack River. It’s time for this damage to finally be addressed.”

Merrimack Station in Bow, New Hampshire
Nov 01, 2018

State of New Hampshire Polluting Iconic Waterways

“The state’s Powder Mill hatchery is endangering public health by illegally polluting the iconic Merrymeeting River,” said Tom Irwin, Director of CLF New Hampshire. “Residents and visitors flock to New Hampshire’s rivers and lakes every summer to swim and boat, not to be told to stay out of the water, and certainly not to be sickened by toxic cyanobacteria outbreaks. Protecting public health must be the primary concern among our state leaders, and they must put a stop to the pollution coming from this facility.”

Oct 31, 2018

Proposed Emissions Rules Toxic to Public Health and Environment

“The Trump administration is endangering the health of the American people,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “This rollback will hand a lifeline to old, polluting power plants that still haunt our communities, spreading respiratory and other illnesses among our children and families. The EPA replacement plan violates the Clean Air Act and totally disregards good science and sound economic principles.”  

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Oct 31, 2018

Invenergy Plant Faces Yet Another Roadblock

“How much more proof do we need that this plant is unnecessary?” said Jerry Elmer, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Invenergy’s fracked gas and fossil fuel plant would generate dangerous greenhouse gas emissions at a time when Rhode Island should be focusing on clean, renewable energy. Today’s decision makes it clear: Invenergy needs to admit defeat and stop forcing this unwanted plant on Rhode Islanders.”

Oct 25, 2018

Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning

“Parents shouldn’t have to worry about their kids being poisoned by drinking fountains in their school,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “In the absence of action from the state legislature, school districts must test for lead and make parents and officials aware of the results. The health of our children must come first.”
