Apr 26, 2019

Right Whale Protections Recommended at Stakeholder Meeting

“As we speak, there are two whales entangled in fishing gear 100 miles from this meeting,” said Erica Fuller, Senior Staff Attorney at CLF. “New England’s iconic whale can be saved if we’d simply stop allowing them to be killed year after year. Reducing and weakening the lines in the water is a start, but we need to go much further, much faster. Appropriate closures and ropeless fishing need to be part of the solution.”

North Atlantic right whale
Apr 17, 2019

Vermont House of Representatives Passes PFAS Legislation

“For decades, the EPA has stood idly by while manufacturers produced poisonous PFAS chemicals that ended up in our drinking water,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont.  “It’s now up to state leaders to clean up this mess, and Vermont is clearly up to the challenge. This bill is a critical step forward in the process to repair the damage that has been done and prevent future harm from these toxic forever chemicals.”

Vermont State House
Apr 16, 2019

EPA Proposes Changes to Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule

“The EPA’s proposed definition is a hasty and ill-conceived effort to revoke longstanding, critical protections of the nation’s waterways under the Clean Water Act,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Not only does the proposed rule strip waters of protection for the benefit of a few sectors of industry, but it does so without a basis in law and ignores good environmental policy.”

Apr 11, 2019

CLF Statement on Confirmation of David Bernhardt as Interior Secretary

“Bernhardt’s nomination is more of the same from the Trump administration: Another lobbyist who cares only about enriching the fossil fuel industry,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Bernhardt will undoubtedly open our oceans to offshore drilling and cause irreparable harm to our lands and waters. The senators who voted to confirm him ought to be ashamed.”

Apr 11, 2019

New England Clean Energy Connect Project Passes Major Hurdle

“It is imperative that we act now to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions if we are to have any hope of avoiding the most catastrophic impacts of climate change,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President and Director of CLF Maine. “Replacing energy from polluting fracked gas plants with hydropower will reduce emissions at the scale necessary to make a difference in New England.”

CMP's New England Clean Energy Connect project will bring lower-carbon energy to New England.
Apr 02, 2019

Maine Governor Signs Solar Energy Bill

“Mainers have a right to affordable, clean energy,” said Emily Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “Strong solar policy helps create jobs, protects our environment, and can lower our energy bills. This bill puts the interests of residents and businesses first, and clears the way for Maine’s clean energy future.”

Rooftop solar panels on a barn in Maine
Mar 14, 2019

VT Senate Passes Legislation Protecting Public From PFAS

“With the federal government dragging its feet, it’s up to Vermont to take action to protect communities from toxic PFAS chemicals,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “Today, the Senate demonstrated that we are up to the task. This bill is a significant step forward to protect our drinking water from these dangerous forever chemicals.”

Vermont State House
Mar 13, 2019

Climate Change Lawsuit Against ExxonMobil Proceeds

“Exxon has put vulnerable communities and the harbor at risk as part of its pattern and practice of deceiving regulators and the public about the risks of climate change,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Exxon has known about these risks and its ongoing spills for years and is failing its most important duty under the law: to avoid spills of oil and hazardous substances that threaten public health and the environment.” 

Mar 12, 2019

Rhode Island Department of Health Declines to Regulate Toxic Chemicals

“With the EPA’s national PFAS plan falling far short, it’s up to the states to protect us from these toxic chemicals,” said Amy Moses, Vice President and Director of CLF Rhode Island. “The dangerous health effects of these substances have been known for years, and other New England states have committed to solving the problem. Rhode Island needs to protect public health and that starts with ensuring everyone has safe drinking water.”

A water faucet