Jun 05, 2019

First Right Whale Death of the Year Reported

“There are so few right whales left that every death brings this species closer to extinction,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “The time for talk is over. Both the U.S. and Canadian governments need to protect this majestic species before it disappears from our oceans forever.”

Jun 04, 2019

Governor Sununu Vetoes Net Metering Bill

“The Governor’s veto is a giant step backward for clean energy in New Hampshire,” said Melissa Birchard, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Our leaders should be doing everything possible to move us away from dirty fossil fuels, not standing in the way of real progress towards clean energy. Communities across New Hampshire overwhelmingly support this bill, and our legislators must listen to constituents and override this senseless veto.”

May 29, 2019

New Hampshire to Sue Several Companies for PFAS Contamination

“Families should not have to worry if their water contains toxic chemicals when they turn on the tap,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “Polluters have threatened our health and our environment with these harmful substances, and they must be held accountable. The Attorney General’s lawsuit is a huge first step in protecting our drinking water and natural resources from dangerous PFAS contamination.”

A water faucet
May 22, 2019

Vermont Legislature Passes Nation’s Strongest Lead in Drinking Water Law

“The only safe amount of lead for children is zero,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “This law puts Vermont ahead of every other state in protecting our kids from being poisoned. Lead has no place in our drinking water, and I’m so grateful for the work our legislative champions have done to get the lead out of schools and childcare centers.”

May 17, 2019

CLF Testifies in Support of Maine Climate Bill

“This legislation will make Maine a national leader on climate change,” said Emily K. Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “We need bold action to stave off the worst impacts of the looming climate crisis. This bill will slash carbon emissions while protecting businesses and spurring new industries. It’s clear that the time for talk and debate is over. We must pass this law.”

Maine Statehouse.
May 16, 2019

Vermont Governor Signs PFAS Protection Law

“Vermonters shouldn’t have to wonder if they’re being poisoned every time they turn on their tap,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “Until the federal government wakes up and takes these toxic chemicals off the market, it’s up to states to protect us. This law is a huge first step in ensuring Vermonters have safe, clean drinking water.”

Crazymedia via Shutterstock
May 09, 2019

Protecting the Charles River from Stormwater Pollution

 “A stew of pollutants is flowing into the Charles every time it rains, threatening decades of efforts to clean up this iconic river,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Stormwater pollution can lead to dangerous cyanobacteria outbreaks, which sicken people and wildlife and have no place in our river. The Charles belongs to everyone, and it’s time we stop giving a free pass to the polluters who are destroying this precious resource.”

May 08, 2019

CLF Announces Lawsuit to Protect Communities from Tailpipe Pollution

“It’s inexcusable that the companies we trust to transport our children to school are polluting the very air they breathe,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “There are laws on the books to prevent this type of air pollution and Transdev is blatantly ignoring them. They need to take responsibility and stop spewing toxic pollution into our neighborhoods.”

Apr 30, 2019

Maine Governor Unveils Climate Legislation

“The devastating impacts of climate change are at our doorstep,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President and Director of CLF’s Clean Energy and Climate Change program. “Drastically reducing our climate-damaging emissions is the only way to avert these looming economic, social and environmental disasters. This bill will push Maine to do just that. After eight years with a climate denier in the governor’s office, we have real climate leadership from Governor Mills.”

Maine Statehouse.
Apr 27, 2019

Brayton Point Cooling Towers Imploded

“The last symbol of dirty coal in Massachusetts has come tumbling down, and a coal-free New England is within our reach,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President at CLF. “Brayton Point spewed toxic pollution into nearby communities for decades, sickening residents and devastating our environment. Now residents can literally breathe easier as clean, renewable energy will rise out of the rubble of this dirty, polluting dinosaur.”