Feb 13, 2020
“The last thing New Hampshire needs is another landfill,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The Department of Environmental Services came to the right conclusion: Casella’s proposed expansion would violate important state policy and is not in the public interest. Instead of expanding a polluting landfill, we must focus on reducing waste and ramping up recycling and compost efforts.”
Feb 13, 2020
“Our regional managers have lost control of and abandoned the cod fishery,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at Conservation Law Foundation. “After decades of reckless decision-making, Atlantic cod populations are now in crisis. To give this iconic species a chance at survival and recovery, the federal government must take the strongest possible action today and temporarily prohibit further cod fishing.”
Feb 11, 2020
“Today’s decision is a major victory for Block Island,” said Jerry Elmer, CLF Senior Attorney. “The Great Salt Pond is one of the state’s pristine environmental gems, and a huge expansion of the marina would permanently scar it. After almost two decades, this should be the end of the expansion effort.”
Feb 11, 2020
“Fossil fuel companies have created the plastic crisis at our expense,” said Brad Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “Beyond littering our streets and waters, plastic production harms human health, destroys our climate and hobbles the budgets of cities and towns. This groundbreaking federal legislation will hold these large corporations accountable in cleaning up the damage they’ve done.”
Jan 24, 2020
“Single-use plastic bags are made from dirty fossil fuels and have no place in our daily lives,” said Amy Moses, Vice President and Director of CLF Rhode Island. “These bags wreck our climate and choke wildlife. More than half of Rhode Island’s population already lives in a community with a plastic bag ban. It’s time to pass a strong statewide law that stops this blight on our environment for good.”
Jan 23, 2020
“By erasing protections for the majority of our Nation’s wetlands and more than 18% of streams, this rule green-lights the dumping of pesticides and toxic chemicals into our waters,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Large corporate interests bought and paid for this rollback, which will harm our communities and public health for decades to come.”
Jan 23, 2020
“Combatting the climate crisis is going to take everything we’ve got, and this legislation is a huge step forward,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Getting to net-zero emissions by 2050 is an absolute necessity to protect our communities and our health. But we must hold our leaders accountable to make sure Massachusetts hits the ambitious goals laid out in the bills. We won’t be given another chance to get this right.”
Jan 21, 2020
“The climate crisis will touch every aspect of our lives and the consequences of inaction today will be ruinous tomorrow,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “Governor Baker’s crucial directive puts Massachusetts in the vanguard of states and nations combatting climate change and embracing a clean energy future. We look forward to working with the administration on the bold steps that need to follow.”
Jan 17, 2020
“The reality of the climate crisis demands that we end our reliance on dirty fossil fuels,” said CLF Senior Attorney Jerry Elmer. “This commitment to 100% renewable electricity is a major step towards reaching that goal. The Governor must now make good on her promise to support a law that goes beyond mere talk and makes Rhode Island’s climate goals mandatory, including slashing emissions beyond the electric sector.”
Jan 10, 2020
“The climate crisis demands bold action and Vermont is long overdue,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “We’re off track, but we can eliminate all carbon pollution by 2050 while building healthy and resilient communities. This legislation will make sure we reach our emissions goals and confront this crisis with everything we have.”