Aug 01, 2019

MBTA Debuts Zero Emission Electric Buses

“Combatting climate change means we have to break our dependence on fossil fuels and go electric,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Traditional buses are a menace, spreading toxic pollution in our communities and making people sick. These buses are a good first step in the MBTA’s promise to provide a 100% electric fleet, and that transformation needs to happen much faster than is planned.”

Jul 26, 2019

CLF and Boston Waterfront Partners Celebrate Boston’s Public Open Spaces

“Waterfront spaces in Massachusetts are owned by the public, and those ownership rights are being threatened,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “Developers continue to wall off access to the water, even as climate change threatens to render useless the precious few open spaces that do exist. This event was critical in bringing together people from communities across Boston to learn how to advocate for their right to access the waterfront.”

Jul 24, 2019

Development Seen as Larger Threat to Boston Waterfront than Climate Change

“The waterfront and Boston Harbor belong to all of us, not just the white and wealthy,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “Too many developers have been allowed to wall off access to the water for the benefit of a few, and the rest of the city is finally taking note. We all paid for the cleanup of Boston Harbor and we all deserve equal access to it.”

Jul 23, 2019

CLF Climate Lawsuit Against Shell Moves Forward

“The Shell terminal in Providence is poised for disaster,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “It will take only one significant storm to inundate this facility and release toxic chemicals into surrounding waters and neighborhoods. Shell has failed to protect this terminal from the well-known impacts of climate change, and we will continue our fight to protect the community.”

Jul 19, 2019

New Hampshire Supreme Court Rejects Northern Pass

“Today’s Supreme Court decision is the right one for New Hampshire,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “Eversource has been nothing but dismissive of community concerns throughout this process and that alone is enough to reject Northern Pass for good. This project has always been bad for the state and Eversource needs to move on.”

Jul 18, 2019

NH Legislature Approves Important Toxic Chemical Rules

“PFAS chemicals are poisonous to humans and have no place in our water,” said Meredith Hatfield, Senior Attorney at CLF. “With the federal government dodging its responsibility on this critical issue, real action on the state level is the only way to combat this crisis. These rules are an important first step to protect the drinking water for New Hampshire families.”

New Hampshire Capitol Building
Jul 12, 2019

Reckless Federal Fisheries Bill Introduced in House of Representatives

“If passed, this bill would be a giant step backward for fisheries and fishing communities,” said Dr. Priscilla Brooks, Director of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “We need fishery management practices based on science and accountability that benefit our fisheries, fishing communities, and marine ecosystem. Here in New England, we don’t have to look any farther than the dire state of Atlantic cod for proof that now is the time to bolster our federal fishery law, not roll it back.”

Atlantic cod
Jul 09, 2019

Boston School Buses Illegally Polluting Communities with Tailpipe Exhaust

“Communities across Boston are choked with air pollution,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Tailpipe exhaust is poisoning disadvantaged areas that already suffer from diseases like asthma at much higher rates. We must do better for our kids, and that starts with holding Transdev responsible for illegally spewing toxic pollution into our neighborhoods.”

Jul 09, 2019

Three Entangled Right Whales Spotted in Gulf of St. Lawrence

“There is no more time for half measures or endless meetings and discussions,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “Critically endangered right whales can recover, but we need to stop killing them now. Both the U.S. and Canadian governments must take additional action to protect this majestic species before it disappears from our oceans forever.” 

Jun 28, 2019

New Hampshire Proposes New PFAS Standards

“Toxic PFAS chemicals are threatening drinking water and public health across New Hampshire,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The new standards proposed today are a significant step in the right direction for protecting our communities, but more needs to be done. We must address the cumulative impacts of these four PFAS, and the state needs to regulate the thousands of other known PFAS created by the chemical industry.”

A water faucet