Apr 14, 2020
“The DEP was absolutely right to impose additional and significant conditions as part of its approval of this project,” said Phelps Turner, Senior Attorney at CLF. “It’s clear the DEP carefully considered the testimony presented by CLF and The Nature Conservancy last year on the importance of protecting critical wildlife habitat areas. Yesterday, we submitted comments on the draft order that would strengthen these conditions even further.”
Apr 09, 2020
“This decision confirms that even the federal government is not above the law,” said Erica Fuller, CLF Senior Attorney. “We must do whatever it takes to ensure right whales are here for future generations, and that starts with obeying the Endangered Species Act. The ruling provides an incentive for fishermen and scientists to forge a new path that protects right whales while also sustaining the lobster industry.”
Mar 31, 2020
“Rolling back critical public health protections in the midst of a pandemic is appalling,” said Emily Green, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The clean car standards are designed to protect our health while saving drivers money at the gas pump. This administration’s rejection of science and accountability knows no bounds, and we’ll continue to challenge this reckless rule change.”
Mar 24, 2020
“Congress must prioritize people over polluters,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “The very communities that continue to suffer disproportionately high rates of disease at the hands of big oil are now directly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Any relief legislation must be focused on helping these families and not bailing out big oil and gas.”
Mar 12, 2020
“The decision to scrap plans for this garbage depot is an unqualified win for the neighborhood,” said Kevin Budris, staff attorney at CLF Rhode Island. “The community was loud and clear in opposing the toxic exhaust and dust this dirty facility would produce. We need to put our efforts into reducing waste, rather than forcing our communities to deal with pollution from trash that they did not create.”
Feb 26, 2020
“While today’s guilty plea hopefully brings some element of closure in this disaster, the risks that fracked gas poses to our communities and our climate can only be addressed by breaking our addiction to fossil fuels,” said Greg Cunningham, Vice President & Director of CLF’s Clean Energy Climate Change program. “As the Commonwealth considers transferring the utility privileges held by Columbia Gas to a new owner, it must ensure that gas utilities are truly committed to safety and combatting the climate crisis. The funds from this settlement must be directed towards the historically marginalized communities that have been hit hardest by this disaster.”
Feb 26, 2020
“Plastic producers have been given a free pass to pollute our communities for far too long at taxpayer expense,” said John Hite, Zero Waste Policy Analyst at CLF. “Single-use packaging has upended recycling and filled our oceans, communities, and landfills with plastic pollution. LD2104 will require packaging companies to deal with the mess they’ve made and create products that don’t wreak havoc on our recycling systems and environment.”
Feb 21, 2020
“The climate emergency is already impacting our communities,“ said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “If we’re serious about tackling this crisis, strong climate laws like the Solutions Act are the answer. We are running out of time, but the strong vote today and the leadership in the House shows we can still get back on track to cut emissions and build healthy and resilient communities if we take action now.”
Feb 21, 2020
“Humans hold the cards to decide whether North Atlantic right whales rebuild to a sustainable population or go extinct,” said Emily Green, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Engaging a new generation of young advocates is critical to our shared fight for the protection of right whales and our oceans. We’re thrilled to share their artwork with communities across New England.”
Feb 19, 2020
“Exhaust pollution is extremely dangerous for children,” said Kenta Tsuda, Staff Attorney at CLF. “DATTCO collects millions of taxpayer dollars to serve Connecticut communities and their schoolchildren. It’s time for this company to prove it cares about these communities, their children, and their futures by stopping this unlawful and unsafe pollution.”