Oct 30, 2019

Report on Aquidneck Island Gas Disaster Released

“Customers should absolutely not be straddled with higher bills because of the mistakes of utilities,” said Amy Moses, Vice President and Director of CLF Rhode Island. “But the report’s suggestion of reducing demand for gas simply doesn’t go far enough. We need to get off dirty fracked gas and focus on clean renewables, not expand infrastructure that only harms our air and destroys our climate.”

a row of gas meters on the side of a building
Oct 29, 2019

CLF Launches Zero Waste Challenge

“New England’s waste system is broken,” says Kirstie Pecci, Director of CLF’s Zero Waste Project. “While we wait for much-needed reform, there are steps that each of us can take to make a big difference. For the health of our communities and our planet, achieving zero waste must be everyone’s goal.”  

Oct 28, 2019

CLF Prevails in Right Whale Lawsuit Against Federal Government

“Expanded fishing in a right whale hot spot flies in the face of the Endangered Species Act,” said Erica Fuller, CLF Senior Attorney. “This ruling rightfully reverses a dangerous course and will give right whales the protection they need from fishing gear. We cannot afford to lose even one more of these critically endangered creatures.” 

North Atlantic right whale
Oct 18, 2019

A Win for Public Access to the Waterfront

“It is unacceptable that this plan allows developers to buy their way out of regulations they don’t like,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “The public’s right to access the waterfront has been guaranteed for generations, and officials have singlehandedly undermined that right. The municipal harbor planning process is broken, and we’re looking forward to proving it in court.”

Oct 15, 2019

CLF and Wequassett Resort Announce Settlement

“CLF brought this case and others because nitrogen pollution is choking Cape Cod’s waters,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “But in my thirty years of holding polluters accountable, I have rarely seen a property owner as constructive and solution-oriented in their response as Wequassett. All Cape Cod towns, property owners, and other resorts need to follow Wequasett’s example in protecting the Cape’s economy and way of life from irreparable damage by the relentless wastewater pollution of bays and ponds.”

Oct 10, 2019

EPA Announces Weak Standards for Lead in Drinking Water

“It’s imperative that we end childhood lead poisoning in our lifetime,” said Amy Laura Cahn, Director of CLF’s Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice program. “Don’t be fooled into thinking that families will be protected by this proposed change. We need a health-based standard that recognizes the only safe level of lead for kids is zero. That – and removing lead pipes from our water infrastructure – must be the only goal for regulators.”

Oct 08, 2019

State Unlawfully Removes HOV Lane

“With the daily traffic nightmare on our roads, opening this lane to all cars is short-sighted, slows commutes for bus riders, and violates the law,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Punishing people for carpooling and taking public transit is the exact opposite of good policy. For the sake of our environment and the health and well-being of residents north of Boston, the state must realize its mistake and undo this change immediately.”

Oct 07, 2019

Fairmount Line Riders Deserve Improved Service

“Passenger growth on the Fairmount Line is surging, and it’s time the MBTA provides more frequent service,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “With more service, riders also deserve fair fares. These neighborhoods have been overlooked for too long, and the Fairmount line must become true rapid transit with affordable fares at all stations and service frequency to match.”

Oct 01, 2019

States Release Transportation Climate Outline

“Transportation emissions are worsening the climate crisis, and it’s about time the region worked together on a solution,” said Amy Laura Cahn, Director of CLF’s Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice program. “Underserved communities have endured the majority of pollution and a lack of healthy transportation options for too long, and they must be the first to see the benefits from a clean transportation system. While today’s plan is a good first step, we need to be working on all fronts to reduce emissions and improve air quality.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards
Sep 30, 2019

Popular Electric Vehicle Rebate Ends Today

“Our climate and our health require us to switch from gas-burning cars to clean electric,” said Amy Laura Cahn, Director of CLF’s Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice program and a member of the Massachusetts Zero Emission Vehicle Commission. “The rebate clearly works, and we need more resources, not fewer at this critical time for our climate. We hope to see a short-term funding fix soon, but the State House and Baker Administration must commit to long-term and large-scale investments to keep this popular rebate in place.”

Electric car parking symbol