Dec 13, 2019

Massachusetts Proposes Regulations for Toxic Chemicals in Drinking Water

“This is great news for public health in the Commonwealth,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “I applaud Governor Baker for setting protective standards for six of the so-far unregulated toxic PFAS compounds showing up in drinking water systems throughout New England, and for giving Massachusetts cities and towns new resources in his supplemental budget to make local water supplies safe.”

A water faucet
Dec 11, 2019

Boston City Council Passes Significant Climate Change and Wetlands Ordinance

“This rule is a critical step forward in preparing Boston for the impacts of the climate crisis we know are coming,” said Deanna Moran, Director of Environmental Planning at CLF. “Protecting natural resources does not have to come at the expense of critical climate adaptation measures, and this ordinance strikes the right balance.”

Dec 04, 2019

Fishery Managers Recommend Unlawful Cod Catch Limits

“Fishery managers are failing in their job to end overfishing of New England’s most recognizable fish species,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “Cod is in crisis and the Council once again failed to make the hard decision needed to end overfishing and rebuild these stocks. The proposed limits are unlawful, and the federal government must disapprove them. Directed fishing on Atlantic cod should have been stopped years ago.”

Atlantic cod
Nov 22, 2019

CLF Continues Fight Against Trump Administration Reversal of Clean Car Standards

“Yet again the Trump Administration is pandering to big oil and gas at the expense of our health and our communities,” said Emily Green, CLF Senior Attorney. “As we run out of time to tackle the climate crisis, this policy moves the country in the wrong direction. It will lead directly to a dirtier, more polluted future. We cannot afford to hit reverse on these standards.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards
Nov 21, 2019

Noise Control at Wheelabrator Saugus

“It’s about time the state got around to addressing one of many severe public health issues posed by the Wheelabrator Saugus facility,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of the Zero Waste Project at CLF. “But requiring a study is totally inadequate and does nothing to compensate the community for the suffering this facility caused all summer. The community will only be protected when this toxic facility shuts down for good.”

Wheelabrator Power Plant Photo
Nov 13, 2019

Encore Casino Shuttles Polluting Nearby Neighborhoods

“The casino is a brand-new neighbor, and it’s already wearing out its welcome,” said Alyssa Rayman-Read, Vice President and Director of CLF Massachusetts. “There’s no excuse for shuttle buses sitting in already-vulnerable neighborhoods pumping toxic fumes into the air. These companies must prove that they care about the health of their neighbors and put an end to this dangerous, unlawful idling immediately.”

Encore bus idling
Nov 05, 2019

It’s official: Invenergy Defeated

“As we said in June, this is a huge victory for Rhode Island and for the health of our communities,” said CLF Senior Attorney Jerry Elmer. “In the face of climate emergency, opening a fossil fuel plant that will spew carbon pollution for decades is simply reckless. After years of lies and misinformation, Invenergy’s efforts to pave over a forest to build this dirty plant have been dealt a substantial loss. This is proof that communities can stand up to big gas and win.”

Nov 04, 2019

MBTA Board Votes on Long-Term Commuter Rail Plan

“Finally, this is the bold action we’ve been waiting for from the MBTA,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The region clearly needs people to ditch their cars and get onto trains before our highways turn into parking lots. Electrifying the commuter rail, especially in communities serving environmental justice populations, will go a long way in making that a reality. Fares must also be affordable for all so that riding the rails is a cheaper alternative to getting in the car.”

Oct 31, 2019

Second Victory for Right Whales this Week

“After a series of devastating deaths this summer, pushing paper will not protect right whales from extinction,” said Erica Fuller, CLF Senior Attorney. “We need to use the force of the law to put this species on the path to recovery. The judge absolutely made the correct call: right whales simply can’t wait any longer for the federal government to get around to doing their job.”

Photo: right whale in Cape Cod Bay.