Jan 21, 2020

Governor Baker Commits to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

“The climate crisis will touch every aspect of our lives and the consequences of inaction today will be ruinous tomorrow,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “Governor Baker’s crucial directive puts Massachusetts in the vanguard of states and nations combatting climate change and embracing a clean energy future. We look forward to working with the administration on the bold steps that need to follow.”

The front of the Massachusetts State House, with the gold dome visible in front of blue sky
Jan 17, 2020

Governor Raimondo Commits to 100% Renewable Electricity

“The reality of the climate crisis demands that we end our reliance on dirty fossil fuels,” said CLF Senior Attorney Jerry Elmer. “This commitment to 100% renewable electricity is a major step towards reaching that goal. The Governor must now make good on her promise to support a law that goes beyond mere talk and makes Rhode Island’s climate goals mandatory, including slashing emissions beyond the electric sector.”

Rhode Island's state house
Jan 10, 2020

Vermont Legislators Take Up Landmark Climate Bill

“The climate crisis demands bold action and Vermont is long overdue,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of CLF Vermont. “We’re off track, but we can eliminate all carbon pollution by 2050 while building healthy and resilient communities. This legislation will make sure we reach our emissions goals and confront this crisis with everything we have.”

Vermont State House
Jan 09, 2020

Encore Casino Sued for Polluting Neighborhoods

“Idling vehicles choke neighborhoods with harmful air pollution,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Anti-idling laws are specifically meant to curb this dangerous exhaust. When companies ignore these laws, it threatens our health and worsens the climate crisis.”

Encore bus idling
Jan 09, 2020

Trump Administration Rolls Back Bedrock Environmental Law

“In today’s proposal, President Trump has arrogated to himself the power to repeal the nation’s foundational environmental protection law by fiat, in defiance of the language and history of the statute,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “This unlawful gift to the fossil fuel industry excludes climate impacts from consideration and redefines the scope of the law to a fraction of those reviewed for generations. This lawless action at the behest of the oil and gas industry will not survive judicial or public scrutiny, and continues the president’s war on science, the environment, rationality, and fact-based decision-making.”

Dec 27, 2019

CRWA, CLF Settle Lawsuit with EPA

“Stormwater pollution continues to wreak havoc on Massachusetts waters,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Cities and towns are responsible for reducing this pollution and many have shirked these duties for years. This new permit forces them to prioritize protecting our waters, but CLF is prepared to take legal action if these flagrant violations continue.”

Dec 27, 2019

U.S. Court of Appeals Rejects Fishermen’s Challenge to Monument

“Today’s decision is a clear victory for our oceans and for the Atlantic’s only marine national monument,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “This decision upholds protections for one of the most fragile and scientifically important areas in the North Atlantic from destructive activities like oil drilling and industrial fishing. Safeguarding the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts ensures that we are leaving a proud legacy for the people of New England.”

Dec 20, 2019

CLF Appeals Clean Water Act Ruling in Cape Cod Case

“Pollution is killing the Cape bays and beaches that resorts like Wychmere depend on,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “Instead of wasting everyone’s time and expense seeking to justify continued pollution, the resort should clean up the mess it has created in Wychmere Harbor. CLF will continue this fight against the destruction of Cape waters that belong to all of us.”

Dec 17, 2019

Connecticut School Bus Provider Polluting Neighborhoods

“Diesel exhaust pollution robs children of their futures,” said Kenta Tsuda, Staff Attorney at CLF. “Kids’ health should not be put at risk simply by riding the school bus or playing outside. DATTCO must immediately stop spreading toxic pollution in the communities it’s meant to serve.”

Dec 17, 2019

New England States Announce Transportation Climate Plan

“This state agreement moves us toward much-needed regional collaboration to confront the climate crisis,” said Amy Laura Cahn, Director of CLF’s Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice program. “Urgent and bold action is necessary to tackle the scourge of carbon emissions and jumpstart clean transportation options for New Englanders. We also need more immediate solutions that improve air quality for residents in pollution hotspots.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards