Oct 26, 2020

Preliminary Estimate: 366 Endangered Right Whales Remain on Earth

“These population estimates are devastating,” said Erica Fuller, Senior Attorney at Conservation Law Foundation. “The outlook is grim if we do not act today. We know human activities are decimating this population, what will it take for federal fishery managers to finally take action to protect these magnificent animals?”

North Atlantic right whale
Oct 26, 2020

Boston School Bus Operator Settles Clean Air Act Lawsuit

“This settlement is a major win for cleaner air in Boston communities,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Toxic tailpipe pollution threatens the health of our most vulnerable neighbors and contributes to the climate crisis. With increased training and monitoring at bus lots, Transdev will be better able to stop excessive bus idling and the spread of this harmful pollution.”

Oct 13, 2020

Entangled Right Whale Spotted Off New Jersey Coast

“Tragically, this is yet another dead whale swimming,” said Emily Green, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Entanglements in fishing line basically torture the whale to death and pose one of the greatest threats to the recovery of this species. Right whales can be saved, but we must make difficult decisions to protect them now or else witness their demise.”

Right whale - protect right whales from vessel strikes
Oct 01, 2020

Poll Finds Water Pollution a Critical Issue for Cape Residents

“Wastewater pollution is one of the greatest issues facing Cape Cod,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “We’ve known for decades that this pollution is destroying the Cape’s bays and ponds and threatening to drag property values and the economy down with it. Residents clearly understand the urgency of this crisis, and it’s about time our officials to end the pattern of do-little and delay and commit to solving the problem. ”

Sep 30, 2020

Fishery Managers Adopt 100% Monitoring Plan

“Atlantic cod is one of New England’s most iconic fish and it is in peril,” said Allison Lorenc, Policy Analyst at CLF. “Establishing a new understanding of catch through 100% monitoring will provide scientists and managers with the information they need to prevent overfishing and help species like cod recover to healthy populations. A sustainable fishery must be based on accurate data, and the fishery management council demonstrated their commitment to that today while also minimizing the economic burden on the industry.”

Sep 28, 2020

Climate Change Lawsuit Against Shell Moves Forward

“Today’s decision means we will have our day in court on unlawful Shell decisions that left Providence families and all of Narragansett Bay at imminent risk of catastrophic oil and toxic chemical spills,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The company has for years deceived regulators and the public about the global and local risks of the climate crisis. CLF will now have the opportunity to hold Shell accountable for years of neglect and outright deceit at the expense of this public safety.”

Sep 24, 2020

Massachusetts Issues New PFAS Regulations

“The public absolutely has a right to know if their drinking water is safe,” said Brad Campbell, President of CLF. “These new standards are a major advance in safeguarding our water from toxic PFAS. The provision for three-year reviews will further protect us and will ensure that these critical standards keep pace with the growing body of science on PFAS toxicity.”

PFAS chemicals threaten drinking water
Sep 22, 2020

Vermont Takes Action on Climate Despite Veto

“Climate change is an urgent public health crisis and procrastination and denial are not solutions,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “Our legislators clearly understand the reality and provided the leadership necessary to fight this crisis with everything we’ve got. It’s time to get to work so that no one is left behind.”

Vermont's state house in autumn
Sep 17, 2020

Vermont House Overrides Governor’s Climate Veto

“We can’t afford to let politics get in the way of preparing Vermont for the climate crisis,” said Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont. “The science is clear: the longer we kick the can down the road on dealing with climate impacts, the more disastrous it will be for our communities. Today, our Representatives overwhelmingly voted to support the Solutions Act and ensure we don’t leave any Vermonters behind. We urge the Senate to follow the House’s lead so we can get to work.”

A strong climate law will be good for public health