Mar 02, 2021

Devens Clean Water Act Lawsuit Settled

“This settlement means the owners of the Devens site are addressing stormwater pollution at Devens in compliance with the Clean Water Act,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “MassDevelopment now has a legally enforceable permit that ensures it will follow Clean Water Act pollution requirements. MassDevelopment’s and Devens Enterprise Commission’s commitment to green improvements to the site’s stormwater system will result in a healthier Nashua River and surrounding waters.”

Mar 01, 2021

Massachusetts Power Grid Vulnerable to Climate Impacts

“The tragedy in Texas is just the latest example of the climate crisis threatening critical infrastructure and endangering lives,” said Deanna Moran, Director of Environmental Planning at CLF. “To protect the public from these catastrophic impacts, investor-owned utilities must prepare for extreme temperatures, extreme precipitation, storms, and sea-level rise now. Taking the right steps now will avoid disaster down the road.”

transmission lines
Feb 22, 2021

State Approves East Boston Substation Despite Widespread Opposition

“Approving the construction of this substation is a slap in the face to the East Boston community,” said CLF staff attorney Erica Kyzmir-McKeon. “State officials did everything they could to silence community input on this project, calling necessary translation services ‘disruptive.’ This project will impact the neighborhood for decades to come and it never should have been approved.”

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
Feb 19, 2021

Connecticut School Buses Polluting Neighborhoods

“A company responsible for transporting children safely cannot be allowed to ignore the law,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “ All-Star and STA must stop violating anti-idling laws and exposing the public to dangerous levels of tailpipe exhaust. All Connecticut residents have a right to clean air.”

Feb 16, 2021

Hyannis Wastewater Plant Polluting Cape Cod Waters

“Sewage and harmful pollutants are leaking from this wastewater plant directly into nearby estuaries, bays, and streams,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “For too long, Town officials have skirted legal requirements and taken no action to prevent nitrogen pollution and protect the Cape’s waters. The area’s water pollution crisis demands action now.”

Feb 11, 2021

New Hampshire Unlawfully Issuing Waste Permits

“State officials are blatantly ignoring the law and communities are suffering as a result,” said CLF New Hampshire attorney Heidi Trimarco. “The state is legally required to have an updated solid waste plan before approving landfill permits, yet it has green-lighted several landfill expansions since the last plan was completed in 2003. Instead of committing to waste reduction and diversion efforts as part of a new solid waste plan, New Hampshire has become a dumping ground for out-of-state waste.” 

landfill with garbage trucks
Feb 09, 2021

Vermont Environmental Leaders Respond to Governor’s 2021 Budget

“Vermont has a tremendous opportunity to put people and communities at the heart of our COVID recovery. Governor Scott has proposed much-needed funding for critical priorities like clean energy and healthy communities. Our lawmakers need to turn these proposals into reality and make sure these important investments are put into practice for years to come.”- Jen Duggan, Vice President and Director of Conservation Law Foundation Vermont.

A strong climate law will be good for public health
Jan 29, 2021

Judge Rules Against State in New Hampshire Fish Hatchery Case

“Pollution from the state’s Powder Mill hatchery continues to poison the Merrymeeting River,” said Kenta Tsuda, CLF Staff Attorney. “It’s time the state is finally held accountable for undermining the river’s ecosystem and imperiling public health. The court’s ruling is an important step forward in cleaning up and protecting this river once and for all.”

Jan 27, 2021

President Biden Continues Environmental Actions

“Without strong action now, the climate crisis will devastate our communities, amplify injustice, and destroy ecosystems essential to human survival,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “President Biden is ushering in a new era for climate and environmental justice by prioritizing the needs of communities that have long borne the brunt of pollution and poor health. Conserving 30 percent of our lands and ocean will also allow thriving ecosystems to protect human and natural communities from climate changes already on the way. Today’s announcements are a welcome break from four years of all-out assaults on our environment.”

An image of the exterior of the White House
Jan 20, 2021

Biden Commits to Environment on Day One

“President Biden’s decision to rejoin the Paris Agreement rights an egregious wrong and will require bold U.S. leadership to make up for four years of climate denial,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The only way we’re going to protect our communities, economy, and homes from the climate crisis is by leading internationally. President Biden must translate his campaign commitments into far more than the modest measures the U.S. put on the table when the Paris agreement was struck.”

Joe Biden speaks to a crowd