Feb 10, 2022

N.H. Officials Pause Energy Efficiency Rollbacks

“The PUC made the right call today, but the work isn’t over yet,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “The decision to gut popular energy efficiency programs was irresponsible and radical, and today’s news is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, it’s still up to the Supreme Court to officially reject the PUC’s rollbacks of energy efficiency programs and put the state on a path to a cleaner, more affordable energy future.”

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity
Feb 09, 2022

Beverage Industry Blocking Recycling Progress

“For decades, the beverage industry has done everything in its power to keep our failed recycling systems in place and prevent new solutions,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of CLF’s Zero Waste Project. “Most bottles and cans in the U.S. still end up buried in landfills, burned in incinerators, or littering our communities. We must hold Big Beverage accountable for the mess it’s made and invest in real solutions for bottle and can recycling.” 

Plastic pollution
Feb 07, 2022

Challenging Irresponsible Energy Decision in NH Supreme Court

“The PUC’s irresponsible and arbitrary decision on energy efficiency cannot be allowed to stand,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs are proven ways to reduce energy bills and cut back on polluting fossil fuel use. At a time when high energy bills and cold nights threaten many New Hampshire families, the PUC has dealt a blow to residents’ and businesses’ ability to save on energy costs. Its decision must be overturned.”

Jan 24, 2022

East Boston Substation Project Must Not Move Forward

“Allowing this substation to be built ignores community voices and established law in Massachusetts,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President, Environmental Justice, CLF. “If the loud community opposition wasn’t enough to sink this project, the proposed site should be reserved for uses that must be on the water, not energy infrastructure that can be located elsewhere. It’s time for state officials to evaluate this project on its merits instead of rubber stamping Eversource’s requests.”

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
Jan 24, 2022

First Transit Buses Polluting Connecticut Communities

“First Transit repeatedly violates important anti-idling laws designed to reduce dangerous tailpipe pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “In order to prevent further harm to public health and our environment, the company must put an end to this unlawful behavior.”

Jan 13, 2022

Environmental Groups Settle Clean Water Act Lawsuit Against Casella

“By getting Casella to remove a decade’s worth of contaminated sediments from a polluted channel flowing into the Ammonoosuc, this settlement directly addresses a legacy of landfill pollution,” explained Tom Irwin, Vice President and Director of CLF New Hampshire. “The problems addressed in this case are yet another reason why New Hampshire needs to focus on reducing waste rather than burying it in landfills.”

2018 Press Conference to stop Bethlehem Landfill expansion
Jan 07, 2022

New Hampshire Officials Reject Challenge to Energy Efficiency Rollbacks

“The PUC continues to dig its feet in on its radical and arbitrary decision, and New Hampshire families will pay the price,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs help us reduce our energy use, which means lower bills and less damaging climate pollution from fossil fuels. This devastating blow to families, businesses and our planet cannot be allowed to stand, and CLF will continue the fight to overturn this irresponsible action from the PUC.”

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity
Jan 04, 2022

Shell Refusing to Disclose Climate Information

“Once again, Shell is trying every trick in the book to avoid coming clean about its involvement in the climate crisis,” said Darrèll Brown, Vice President of CLF Rhode Island. “It’s long past time for the public to hear the truth about what this big oil giant knew about climate impacts and when they knew it. The court must see through this charade and order the company to release these records so this case can move forward.”

Shell Oil Providence Rhode Island
Dec 22, 2021

Judge Denies ExxonMobil’s Attempts to Delay Climate Lawsuit

“Judge Wolf saw right through Exxon’s attempts to further delay this case,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The longer this case goes on, the greater chance of a major storm exposing just how vulnerable this facility is, which would be catastrophic for surrounding neighborhoods and for Boston Harbor. This was yet another desperate attempt by Exxon to hide what it knows about the climate crisis.”

Dec 22, 2021

Report: MBTA Delays Hampering Access to Jobs in Eastern Mass.

“Public transportation offers a lifeline, especially for communities with few other options,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “The chronic, frequent delays on the MBTA are thwarting economic growth in the region, and communities of color and low-income communities are bearing the brunt. It’s clear that the status quo is broken, and the MBTA must step up and create a system that works for all riders, not just wealthy ones.”

MBTA Red Line Delays