Jul 12, 2022

Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Right Whales Seasonal Protection

“With an extinction crisis unfolding in real-time, this decision is necessary for the recovery of North Atlantic right whales,” said Erica Fuller, senior attorney at Conservation Law Foundation. “The fact is, this area wasn’t chosen at random. It’s an area where science showed a deadly trifecta of dense lobster gear, heavy lines, and whales for a few months of the year. The court made the right call in reaffirming the decision, which will have a significant impact on this dwindling whale population.” 

A right whale swimming off the coast of New England
Jul 12, 2022

MA Supreme Judicial Court Rules for CLF in Municipal Harbor Plan Case

“As we’ve been saying for years, the state’s MHP process is fundamentally flawed,” said Deanna Moran, Interim Vice President of Healthy and Resilient Communities at CLF. “The developer-driven Downtown MHP would have resulted in less public access to one of the city’s greatest treasures – Boston Harbor. Today’s ruling makes it clear that it’s time to center waterfront planning on public access and community input, not developer profits.”

Jul 12, 2022

UnitedHealth Group Commits $25 Million to New England
Healthy Neighborhoods Fund

“For too long, low-income communities have been excluded from investments in healthy and sustainable housing and small businesses,” said Gina Foote, director of Impact Investment at Conservation Law Foundation. “With help from UnitedHealth Group and the Healthy Neighborhoods Equity Fund, that’s finally beginning to change. This investment will lead to more vibrant and inclusive neighborhoods across southern New England.”

Jul 08, 2022

Court: Federal Failure to Protect Right Whales from Deadly Entanglements Violates Law

“For too long, the federal government has failed to act while North Atlantic right whales slip toward extinction,” said Erica Fuller, Senior Attorney at CLF. “The court’s ruling today makes it clear that fishery managers must do more to protect this species. We must all commit to taking and funding every step necessary, because even one right whale death is too many.”

Jun 30, 2022

Mass. Releases Clean Energy Plan

“It’s clear that the state is lagging behind where we need to be in slashing climate-damaging emissions,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “This Administration and the next one need to prioritize real movement in existing policies to match the analysis in this plan, which relies heavily on vague proposals for programs yet to be developed.  We need focused and sustained leadership to ensure that systemic change can be achieved in time, as incremental steps will no longer cut it. Any efforts also need to be anchored in equity and justice, and we’ll be pushing officials to improve the plan released today.” 

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.
Jun 30, 2022

Supreme Court Deals Severe Blow to EPA

“The Supreme Court’s new majority has hobbled EPA’s ability to reduce pollution from power plants, expanding an obscure doctrine into an all-purpose tool for the Court to stop agencies from acting on the most significant threats to human health and the environment,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell.  “By arbitrarily limiting EPA’s explicit and broad authority under the Clean Air Act to require the use of less polluting systems, the Court has consigned millions of Americans to more illness, shorter lives, and greater poverty in an overheated climate, while giving itself nearly unlimited authority to invalidate protections and safeguards intended by Congress.”  

smoke stack emissions
Jun 29, 2022

RI Governor Signs 100% Renewables Bill into Law

“This law signals the next step in the death of fossil fuels in Rhode Island,” said CLF Senior Attorney Meg Curran. “Requiring all of our electricity to come from renewable sources is a major win for our health, our economy, and the planet. Now is the time to step up production of wind and solar resources.”

Rhode Island's state house
Jun 27, 2022

South Fork Wind and Leading Environmental Organizations Sign Agreement to Further Enhance Protections for North Atlantic Right Whales

“Offshore wind is a crucial element of our nation’s strategy to address the climate crisis, but it must be done in a way that protects vital ocean wildlife and habitat,” said Dr. Priscilla Brooks, Director of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “With fewer than 350 critically endangered right whales remaining on earth, every loss is a tragedy. The vessel speed restrictions and adaptive management measures agreed to by South Fork Wind will go a long way toward protecting these whales from being injured or killed by project vessels.”

offshore wind farm
Jun 24, 2022

NH Governor Vetoes Much-Needed Landfill Siting Bill

“Governor Sununu let New Hampshire down today,” said Tom Irwin, Vice President of CLF New Hampshire. “While we ultimately need to move away from landfilling, it’s critical that the state develop strong laws regarding how and where these facilities are allowed to be located. All landfills eventually leak toxic pollutants and this bill would have ensured that our waters are better protected. The legislature must override this veto.”

landfill with garbage trucks
Jun 21, 2022

RI House Passes PFAS Protection Bill

“PFAS chemicals are a toxic scourge on our environment and our health,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “These forever chemicals have no place in our water, and this bill will help ensure that Rhode Islanders can feel confident that our drinking water is safe. We look forward to Governor McKee signing this bill into law, and we urge the Department of Health to work quickly to adopt a permanent drinking water standard.”

Photo: Rhode Island State Capitol Building