Oct 23, 2024

CLF Continues Fight to Protect Cape Cod Waters 

CLF is keeping up its fight to stop Barnstable’s sewage treatment plant from polluting Cape Cod’s waters with nitrogen, leading to toxic algae outbreaks that destroy habitats and sicken people and pets.

Aerial view of algae mats in Warren's Cove in Marston Mills, Massachusetts. Cape Cod.
Oct 10, 2024

CLF to Sue One of Largest Scrap Metal Companies in US for Polluting Waterways

Conservation Law Foundation has notified Sims Metal of its intent to sue for Clean Water Act violations at eight scrap metal facilities in Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Maryland. The company’s stormwater runoff regularly polluted nearby rivers and other waterways with toxic metals like lead, copper, and zinc.

Twisted metal in a pile outside at the New Haven, Connecticut, Sims Metal facility.