Mar 21, 2022

MBTA Green Line Extension Opens

“It’s hard to overstate how significant and historic this day is,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “The long-delayed Green Line extension will finally unlock transportation access for thousands of people who previously had few options to get to work, school, or necessary appointments. While we celebrate today, it’s important to note that the work isn’t done, and we’ll continue to push for environmental review of the extension of the Medford branch to Route 16.”

Mar 18, 2022

Gas Utilities Release Reports for Future in Massachusetts

“In the face of the climate crisis, gas companies are wasting precious time in attempting to keep their outdated business model going,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The simple fact is that there’s no such thing as climate-friendly renewable gas and burning gas in homes is not compatible with the clean energy future that Massachusetts law demands. Our state leaders must begin planning for a transition away from gas, and that should begin with an unbiased look at what will actually solve the climate crisis.”

Mar 16, 2022

Environmental Groups Ask EPA to Fix Vermont’s Clean Water Enforcement Challenges

“The ongoing turf war between these two state agencies is harming water quality in Vermont,” said Elena Mihaly, Vice President of CLF Vermont. “Farmers have made great progress reducing pollution from their properties, but that progress is being hindered by this irreparable bureaucratic conflict. The Agency of Natural Resources should be solely responsible for overseeing the Clean Water Act, and we’re asking the EPA to make sure that happens.”

Mar 02, 2022

States, Industry Groups Challenge Tougher EPA Emissions Standards

“Pollution from cars and trucks chokes our communities and worsens the climate crisis,” said CLF attorney James Crowley. “The science is clear: the only way to reach our climate goals is by drastically curbing transportation emissions, and fast. This new rule must be allowed to stand, and we look forward to helping defend it in court.”

Clean car standards are good for our health, good for the environment, and good for our wallets.
Feb 23, 2022

Mass. Water Resources Authority Failing to Protect Water Quality

“Boston’s coastal waters are at risk of dangerous, toxic pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “The public spent millions to clean up Boston Harbor decades ago, and sustaining that incredible progress requires MWRA get serious about doing its job properly.”

Feb 22, 2022

Schnitzer Steel Sued for Polluting Rivers

“Schnitzer needs to prioritize stormwater management and end this harmful and dangerous pollution,” said Heather Govern, Vice President of Clean Air and Water at CLF. “Every day that passes without proper controls, toxic runoff contaminates waters that people depend on for drinking and recreation. It’s time this billion-dollar company complies with the law.”

Environmental racism contributes to inequality
Feb 21, 2022

Officials Deny GlobalFoundries Effort to Become its Own Utility

“The PUC made the right call today,” said Chase Whiting, CLF Vermont staff attorney. “Allowing GlobalFoundries to skirt the state’s climate laws would set us back years in reaching our pollution reduction goals. This would be nothing more than an illegal loophole for a wealthy corporation, and officials saw right through it.”

Feb 10, 2022

N.H. Officials Pause Energy Efficiency Rollbacks

“The PUC made the right call today, but the work isn’t over yet,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “The decision to gut popular energy efficiency programs was irresponsible and radical, and today’s news is a step in the right direction. Nevertheless, it’s still up to the Supreme Court to officially reject the PUC’s rollbacks of energy efficiency programs and put the state on a path to a cleaner, more affordable energy future.”

energy efficiency saves both money and electricity
Feb 09, 2022

Beverage Industry Blocking Recycling Progress

“For decades, the beverage industry has done everything in its power to keep our failed recycling systems in place and prevent new solutions,” said Kirstie Pecci, Director of CLF’s Zero Waste Project. “Most bottles and cans in the U.S. still end up buried in landfills, burned in incinerators, or littering our communities. We must hold Big Beverage accountable for the mess it’s made and invest in real solutions for bottle and can recycling.” 

Plastic pollution
Feb 07, 2022

Challenging Irresponsible Energy Decision in NH Supreme Court

“The PUC’s irresponsible and arbitrary decision on energy efficiency cannot be allowed to stand,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs are proven ways to reduce energy bills and cut back on polluting fossil fuel use. At a time when high energy bills and cold nights threaten many New Hampshire families, the PUC has dealt a blow to residents’ and businesses’ ability to save on energy costs. Its decision must be overturned.”