Jun 28, 2023

Maine Tribes and Leading Environmental Organizations Join Forces to Oppose Proposed Mine in Shadow of Katahdin

“The legacy of metallic mineral mining in Maine is one of empty promises of economic development, acid mine drainage polluting waters and killing fish, and multi-million dollar cleanups funded by taxpayers and not the fly-by-night mining companies like Wolfden,” said Sean Mahoney, Vice-President and Senior Counsel at Conservation Law Foundation.  “Rezoning this area to allow mining would fail to recognize the cultural and spiritual importance of the land to the Wabanaki Tribes and threaten the natural resources and experiences valued by generations of Maine citizens.” 

Photo: Mount Katahdin, Maine
Jun 21, 2023

Mass. Releases New Rules to Clean Up Cape Cod Pollution

Ineffective septic tanks release high levels of nitrogen in wastewater which can cause toxic algae outbreaks in the Cape’s waters, which in turn place people at risk, harm fish and wildlife, and dampen tourism. CLF released the following statement in response to today’s news.

“Pollution from septic tanks has pushed Cape Cod’s waters to the brink of disaster,” said CLF attorney Maggie Nivison. “Toxic algae outbreaks destroy our waters, sicken people, and threaten the Cape’s critical tourism economy. The state has finally taken this crisis seriously, and these new rules are a tremendous first step in finally combatting this pervasive problem.”

Aerial view of algae mats in Warren's Cove in Marston Mills, Massachusetts. Cape Cod.
Jun 21, 2023

CLF, VNRC Join Community Effort to Stop Coventry Landfill Pollution

“The State’s decision is an assault on one of our bedrock environmental protections,” said CLF attorney Mason Overstreet. “Dangerous chemicals are leaching out of this landfill and polluting the Black River and Lake Memphremagog, a drinking water source for thousands of people.  The State’s irresponsible decision not to require a Clean Water Act permit blows a hole through the law’s core protections and leaves Vermonters exposed to pollutants. The court should reverse the state’s decision and require a permit with effective pollution control limits.”

Lake Memphremagog
Jun 20, 2023

New Hampshire Adopts Budget with Important Waste Changes

“There’s no reason why tons of food should end up in New Hampshire’s landfills and incinerators,” said CLF attorney Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Food decomposing in landfills spews toxic methane pollution, threatening our health and worsening the climate crisis. In fact, food is the single largest component in most landfills, so keeping it out of our trash will decrease our reliance on poisonous and unsustainable landfills. This provision will ensure that more food is donated or and composted, which is a win for our communities and the planet.” 

landfill with garbage trucks
Jun 16, 2023

Nashua Rejects Asphalt Plant Proposal 

“The community spoke loud and clear in opposition of this polluting plant,” said CLF Environmental Justice Advocate Jordan Thompson. “The company irresponsibly attempted to push through its plan to build this facility in the middle of a diverse neighborhood that Nashua is invested in improving. The city absolutely made the right decision to deny this plant and protect the health, safety and quality of life of the neighborhood instead.” 

Nashua, New Hampshire City Hall
Jun 16, 2023

CLF to Sue Polluting Chemical Company in Quincy, MA

“Twin Rivers has been given a free pass to violate the law and pollute Quincy and other nearby communities for far too long,” said CLF attorney Erica Kyzmir-McKeon. “Everyone has a right to clean air and water. This is why CLF will fight to push Twin Rivers ends this illegal pollution once and for all.”

A view of the Weymouth-Fore River
Jun 15, 2023

Stronger Clean Car and Truck Standards for Maine Will Reduce Air Pollution, Expand Access to Electric Vehicles

“Toxic pollution from cars and trucks overheats the planet and clogs the air in our communities,” said CLF Senior Attorney Emily Green. “The Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks rules would help us tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for people and families in Maine. It’s time for our state leaders to step up and walk the walk when it comes to slashing pollution from vehicles.”

An electric vehicle is charging
Jun 13, 2023

Mass. Commits $50 Million to Green Bank

“Fossil fuels are driving the climate crisis and its impacts in our communities,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “Couple that with the dire shortage of affordable housing for those who need it most, and this green bank is filling a huge need here in Massachusetts. Polluting emissions from buildings are a scourge on our health and the planet, and this fund will go a long way towards ending our addiction to fossil fuels.”

Massachusetts State House
Jun 05, 2023

EPA Pulls Advanced Recycling Proposal

“So-called advanced recycling is too often just incineration by another name,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “EPA is right to reverse course on a proposal that would have validated the petrochemical industry’s deceit, increased toxic exposure in communities, and accelerated the already overwhelming proliferation of single-use plastics threatening our health and our environment.“  

trash can filled with plastic waste
May 25, 2023

Supreme Court Rolls Back Clean Water Act Protections

“As millions of Americans prepare to enjoy Memorial Day Weekend, the Supreme Court has torpedoed protections for treasured waters safeguarded by the Clean Water Act,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The Court has commandeered the power to curtail Congress’ authority whenever it impinges on the rights of polluters and property owners. The decision is devastating not only for the environment, but also for countless families and businesses whose health, safety, and prosperity depend on wetlands for safe drinking water, flood and storm protection, and a vibrant tourism economy.”

Wetlands in Newburyport, Massachusetts