Jan 23, 2024
“Single-use containers are a scourge on our communities and choke our waters with litter,” said Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Updated bottle and can redemption systems are a proven way to reduce plastic pollution and ensure that these materials are recycled into new products. Vermont has missed a serious opportunity to slash pollution and protect our environment today.”
Jan 23, 2024
“Fossil gas is polluting our planet and harming Mainers right in their own homes,” said Emily K. Green, Senior Attorney at CLF Maine. “We can’t keep talking out of both sides of our mouths, setting aggressive climate mandates while allowing gas utilities to carry on with business as usual. It’s past time to take a hard look at the ever-expanding gas network and plot our transition away from fossil fuels for good, and this bill is a great step in that direction.”
Jan 10, 2024
“There are so few right whales left that every death brings this species closer to extinction,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “This calf isn’t even two months old and yet it’s not expected to live because the federal government has delayed meaningful action for more than a decade. NOAA must publish its final rule immediately and protect this majestic species before it disappears from our oceans forever.”
Jan 08, 2024
“Massachusetts beaches and waterways are choking with trash,” said CLF attorney Mara Shulman. “Across the state, volunteers are spending countless hours picking up litter. This is unsustainable. Updating the Bottle Bill will not only slash litter, but it will also reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. It’s time for legislators to meet this moment and stop relying on volunteers to clean up litter when a legislative solution is at our fingertips.”
Jan 03, 2024
“This is a historic moment that’s been years in the making,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “It’s proof positive that New England’s transition away from polluting fossil fuels and towards clean, renewable energy is underway in earnest. We must now quadruple the rate of clean energy deployment, and New England is where it can be done responsibly.”
Dec 11, 2023
“Every year, vehicle emissions are linked to thousands of deaths in the northeast,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Large bus companies must be held accountable for ignoring idling laws designed to limit toxic emissions and protect public health. CLF filed this appeal to continue the fight for cleaner air in our communities.”
Dec 06, 2023
“The DPU absolutely came to the right conclusion here: dangerous, polluting fossil fuel gas and so-called renewable natural gas are not the future of heating,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “It will take huge investments to make this transition, and we cannot increase the burden on low- and moderate-income families in the process. We still have a lot of work to do to reach our climate and emissions goals, but today’s order puts us on the right path for years to come.”
Dec 05, 2023
“We welcome ExxonMobil’s decision to resolve this litigation, make the facility closure permanent, and market the site for cleaner and safer uses,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. In settling the case, CLF has obtained an enforceable prohibition on the property ever being used for polluting bulk fossil fuel storage.
Dec 04, 2023
“Low-income neighborhoods have lacked access to critical resources like healthy food for decades, and About Fresh aims to change that,” said Gina Foote, CLF’s Director of Impact Investment. “Supporting this small business with an innovative high impact investment has the potential to build a healthy community. We’re proud to support a thriving small business like About Fresh trying to improve their neighborhood.”
Dec 01, 2023
“Governor Healey’s commitment to transparency around the state’s climate goals is a much-needed change of pace from the previous administration,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “The data shows that we are clearly missing the mark in some critical areas, and it’s so important that we do not leave frontline communities behind in this process. The report card is a good baseline, but it’s time to put in place some new regulations to get us where we need to go on slashing emissions and preparing our communities.”