Apr 25, 2023

Federal Officials Advance Offshore Wind in Gulf of Maine

“Expanding offshore wind is a necessity if New England is going to confront the climate crisis with everything we’ve got,” said CLF senior attorney Nick Krakoff. “The Gulf of Maine needs to be part of that strategy, yet it is critical to ensure that wind is developed responsibly. We must limit impacts on the critical species, habitats, and existing ocean users that make the area so special, and CLF will be at the table to make sure that happens.”

offshore wind farm
Apr 21, 2023

Biden Creates Office for Environmental Justice

“This is a major step forward for communities that have been ignored for far too long,” said Kate Sinding Daly, Senior Vice President of Law and Policy at CLF. “Climate impacts like extreme heat, pollution, and flooding frequently hit environmental justice communities first and worst, and they are too often left to fend for themselves. It’s about time the federal government took this issue seriously, and we’ll be watching to make sure this order is followed up with real action on the ground.”

An image of the exterior of the White House
Apr 12, 2023

EPA to Announce New Limits on Polluting Tailpipe Emissions

“Once again the Biden Administration is trying to cover its ongoing support for fossil fuels with half measures on climate,” said CLF Senior Vice President of Law and Policy Kate Sinding Daly. “The new standards fall short of President Biden’s stated ambitions and those of major auto manufacturers to convert 100% of the cars sold in the U.S. to electric by 2035. The pollution rules announced today simply won’t get us there, so we’ll continue to push states and the federal government to adopt California’s much stricter emissions regulations.”

Electric vehicles are a critical part of our climate solutions.
Mar 27, 2023

Gov. Healey Names Phillip Eng as New MBTA General Manager

“The MBTA is in crisis, and it’s time for bold leadership at the top to turn the situation around while centering equity, climate resiliency, and increased frequency,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “Phillip is an excellent choice to lead the T at this critical time. The thousands of people who depend on the T to get around the region deserve a safe, reliable system, and CLF will be at the table with new leadership to make sure that happens.”

A new MBTA Orange Line train waits at a station
Mar 15, 2023

CLF’s Staci Rubin Appointed Mass. DPU Commissioner

“I’m thrilled to see Staci’s talent recognized in her appointment to this essential post,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “In an era of high cynicism about politics, it is telling that Governor Healey has chosen Staci based on her leadership skills, her legal acumen, and her principled commitment to the public interest and social justice. Massachusetts communities are better off because of the leadership Staci will provide in transitioning to clean energy and advancing environmental justice.”

Massachusetts State House
Mar 14, 2023

Quincy Oil Terminal Endangering Community

“Sprague’s Quincy terminal is an accident waiting to happen,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The climate crisis is worsening storms and flooding in and around Boston Harbor, and Sprague has sat on their hands while nearby communities are at risk of being inundated with a toxic oil spill. This facility is woefully unprepared for extreme weather, and it’s time the owners are held accountable in court.”

The area surrounding Sprague Oil's terminal in Quincy, MA.
Mar 14, 2023

EPA Proposes New Rules for Toxic PFAS Chemicals

“EPA has finally set drinking water standards for two of the dozens of toxic PFAS compounds being found in drinking water across the country and adopted a risk-based algorithm for others,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Applause should be muted. The federal government dithered on this issue decades, as a generation of children drank unsafe water, and EPA did so even as many states acted more urgently to adopt more protective standards.”

A water faucet
Mar 06, 2023

Penobscot River Dam Owner Violating Federal Endangered Species Act

“We have sued Brookfield over its ESA violations on the Kennebec,” Mahoney said. “In light of Brookfield’s disregard for the ESA on the Penobscot as well, we need to consider all available options to ensure it meets its legal obligations. And that holds true for the federal agencies – FERC and NOAA Fisheries – responsible for enforcing Brookfield’s hydropower license and compliance with the Act.”

A dam in Skowhegan, ME on the Kennebec River. Robby Virus via Flikr
Feb 28, 2023

Kate Sinding Daly Joins CLF

conservation. Prior to that, Kate spent 10 years at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in New York, first as a Senior Attorney and Deputy Director of the New York Program and then as Senior Advisor to the President.

“We’re in the midst of a critical moment for our planet,” said Kate Sinding Daly, Senior Vice President of Law and Policy at CLF. “It’s time to throw everything we’ve got at solving the climate crisis and protecting our resources and communities. New England is my home and I’m overjoyed to join CLF’s efforts to safeguard our magnificent region for generations to come.”

Feb 24, 2023

CLF, Community Challenge Expanded Waste Facility in New Bedford

“Everyone deserves a say in what happens in their backyards, no matter what language they speak,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “It’s unconscionable that Massachusetts officials are allowing this polluting project to plow ahead in the face of such strong community opposition. The EPA needs to step in and force the state to do the right thing by starting this process over.”

trash can filled with plastic waste