Jan 30, 2025

Ted Ladd

As a lifelong environmentalist, I know that the climate crisis is an issue that cannot  be taken lightly and that we don’t have an option to lose this battle. New England is at extreme risk from this existential threat. Addressing climate in our region should be highly motivating to us all.  I believe in the… Continue reading Ted Ladd

Jan 30, 2025

David and Virginia Schneider

We have always been active in our community on environmental issues. In 1978, we worked with a coalition of groups in Connecticut to pass the state’s first bottle bill! But we didn’t stop there. We founded an organic regenerative farm and worked with our town to enact a no-pesticide policy on nearly all town-owned land,… Continue reading David and Virginia Schneider

Jan 30, 2025

Vi Patek

I am a strong advocate for protecting natural resources. In 2010, my husband and I moved to Nahant and quickly became involved with Nahant SWIM Inc. (Safer Waters in Massachusetts). I have been President since 2011. Peter Shelley of CLF worked closely with SWIM, given his central role in cleaning up Boston Harbor decades ago. … Continue reading Vi Patek

Jan 30, 2025

Shanika Amarakoon

My friend told me about her involvement with Conservation Law Foundation. When she introduced me to Tom Irwin, Vice President of New Hampshire, I was impressed with the range of work that CLF did and how it centered its work around climate and environmental justice.  I was inspired to donate and join the New Hampshire… Continue reading Shanika Amarakoon

Jan 30, 2025

Len Cabral

My respect for the environment and the world in which we live was passed down through generations.  In the early 1900’s, my grandparents came here from the Cape Verdean Islands, working first as whalers and then as farmers. The ocean and land were a very important part of feeding their families and community members. I… Continue reading Len Cabral

Dec 01, 2023

Bill Cavers

CLF was a household name for my family. My father worked as a corporate lawyer but spent his free time enjoying New England’s waters. He also felt a calling to serve the community, which led him to serve as a CLF board member for many years.  He shared this love and appreciation of New England’s… Continue reading Bill Cavers

donor profile photo
Jul 20, 2023

Daniel Rosan

We believe as a family that the climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues of our time – our way of life, and even the existence of our most vulnerable communities, are under threat. Becoming a parent made it feel even more urgent. Seeing my children grow up in a dense, transit-centered city… Continue reading Daniel Rosan

Jul 20, 2023

Marian Smith

“As an environmentalist, I am always looking for more ways to protect the environment, but confronting global climate issues can feel overwhelming.  When I moved to Rhode Island, I found Conservation Law Foundation through friends and family. I knew immediately that supporting CLF was the best way to make a difference. So, I joined CLF’s… Continue reading Marian Smith

Jul 20, 2023

Ted Heavenrich

“When I was growing up, every summer my parents would pack up the car, and we would spend the next couple of months hiking and camping. This love and respect for nature and the environment stayed with me my entire life, and today the environment is one of my top three philanthropic priorities.  Over the… Continue reading Ted Heavenrich

Aug 03, 2022

Mike Boyson

“Growing up in the Boston area, my parents always told me how disgusting Boston Harbor was and to never swim in the Charles River. Today, I am thrilled to see people enjoying these and other waters across New England.  My father-in-law, a clean energy entrepreneur and fellow CLF supporter, introduced me to CLF. As I… Continue reading Mike Boyson