Media Contact:
Josh Block
(617) 850-1709
February 28, 2017 (BOSTON, MA) – Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) released the following statement today in response to an Executive Order from President Trump revoking a critical Clean Water Act regulation known as the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule.
“Today the President said clearly and unequivocally that ensuring Americans have access to clean and safe water is not on his to-do list,” said Christopher Kilian, Director of CLF’s Clean Water and Healthy Forests program. “Repealing this critical protection not only defies the broad-based will of the American people, but it also places our region’s wetlands, streams and coastal estuaries at risk. New Englanders deserve better, and CLF stands ready to fight this catastrophic action at all costs.”
CLF experts are available for further comment.