January 7, 2021 (CONCORD, NH) – The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has rejected a challenge filed by CLF and others to halt rollbacks to the state’s energy efficiency programs.
“The PUC continues to dig its feet in on its radical and arbitrary decision, and New Hampshire families will pay the price,” said CLF attorney Nick Krakoff. “Energy efficiency programs help us reduce our energy use, which means lower bills and less damaging climate pollution from fossil fuels. This devastating blow to families, businesses and our planet cannot be allowed to stand, and CLF will continue the fight to overturn this irresponsible action from the PUC.”
The PUC recently rejected an energy efficiency plan that would have significantly decreased energy use and carbon pollution – and helped lessen the impacts of rising energy prices this winter.
Energy efficiency programs, like weatherizing homes by installing more efficient windows or insulation or using more efficient LED light bulbs, slashes wasteful electricity and gas consumption. However, the PUC’s order rejecting the plan significantly eviscerates these programs that benefit New Hampshire families and businesses. The plan also would have invested more money to address the needs of low-income families, in recognition that high bills and cold nights threaten many New Hampshire residents.
CLF previously joined New Hampshire’s utility companies, the state’s consumer advocate, Clean Energy New Hampshire, and others in challenging the rejection of the popular plan.
CLF experts are available for further comment.