CLF Testifies in Support of Maine Climate Bill

Legislation would slash emissions and transform economy

Maine Statehouse.

Maine State House. Photo: Ken Lund

May 17, 2019 (PORTLAND, ME) – Conservation Law Foundation testified at the State House this morning in support of Maine Governor Janet Mills’ climate bill. The Committee on Environment and Natural Resources held a public hearing on the legislation, which would ensure Maine drastically reduces greenhouse gas emissions and prepares for the impacts of climate change.

“This legislation will make Maine a national leader on climate change,” said Emily K. Green, Staff Attorney at CLF. “We need bold action to stave off the worst impacts of the looming climate crisis. This bill will slash carbon emissions while protecting businesses and spurring new industries. It’s clear that the time for talk and debate is over. We must pass this law.”

The bill, An Act to Establish the Maine Climate Change Council to Assist Maine to Mitigate, Prepare For and Adapt to Climate Change, would set the state on a course to meaningfully address climate change by drastically reducing carbon emissions while growing the state’s economy.

CLF has advocated for strong climate laws in every New England state. You can read more about that work here.

CLF experts are available for further comment.
