Exxon's Everett, MA terminal. Photo: Alex Maclean
June 3, 2022 (BOSTON, MA) – Amid pressure from a Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) lawsuit, ExxonMobil has ceased operations at its Everett, MA tank farm and is selling the site to a developer. CLF filed a lawsuit in 2016 arguing Exxon’s site has been polluting surrounding waters for years. It is also woefully unprepared for climate risks and threatens to spill oil into nearby communities and the Mystic River in the event of severe weather.
“Exxon giving up on the Everett site is a major win,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “But this sale will not allow the company to escape responsibility for its toxic legacy of contamination and the ongoing pollution that will continue while the sale is pending. Our case continues and we will not allow the company to skip town and leave the community at risk.”
The Everett site contains contaminated soil and groundwater, and it will continue to be a serious threat to the community and the environment until Exxon or the purchaser takes responsibility to fortify it. Redevelopment would only be appropriate if it is fully and properly prepared to withstand climate impacts and severe weather, and a massive cleanup is undertaken to fix these serious issues.
CLF will continue to hold ExxonMobil accountable in court for its unlawful conduct and will be involved in the redevelopment process to make sure that community voices are heard.
A copy of CLF’s lawsuit can be found here. CLF is also pursuing similar cases in Providence, Rhode Island; New Haven, Connecticut; and Quincy, Massachusetts.
CLF experts are available for further comment. You can view a story map that summarizes the issues surrounding the Everett facility here, and a short video about this case can be viewed here.