Nov 21, 2022

To better address the climate crisis, the US must reform its permitting process

Transitioning to clean energy and achieving climate justice require hard choices, and progressives and environmentalists need to recognize that those choices are necessary. The work to achieve a cleaner, more equitable future will not be possible unless we lead the cause of permitting reform and stop ceding that ground to the opposition.

Nov 03, 2022

Boston does not love that dirty water storm runoff, says new lawsuit

With heavier rainfall events expected as a result of climate change, the groups said there’s little time to waste to protect Boston’s waterways. “These iconic rivers are suffering because of the EPA’s consistent foot-dragging,” said Heather Govern, CLF’s vice president of clean air and water.

Oct 24, 2022

Public Utility Commission allows GlobalFoundries to set up its own electric utility

Under its agreement with the Conservation Law Foundation, GlobalFoundries committed to build a 5-megawatt solar facility in Essex Junction and to comply with Vermont’s environmental laws — in particular, the state’s renewable energy standard, which requires utilities to obtain more and more of their electricity from renewable sources.