Jun 03, 2019

Offshore drilling ban gets airing

“Massachusetts has always been a leader in prohibiting oil and gas development off its shores in federal waters,” said Peter Shelley, a senior attorney with the Conservation Law Foundation, which backs the proposal. “Something like this makes a lot of sense, even if it is somewhat symbolic at this point. It’s kind of a belt and suspenders approach.”

May 16, 2019

CLF takes on a fight for industrial uses, this time in Charlestown

Campbell says CLF is championing this cause because of its role as a watchdog of state waterfront regulations, a responsibility that includes designated port areas. He says CLF has become more involved lately because these industrial parcels, and the jobs they support, are under greater threat amid the heat of the real estate market.

May 15, 2019

Environment Committee Considers Range Of Climate Bills

“First it creates consistency and predictability in planning for climate risks in state licensing, permitting financing and capital projects,” Deanna Moran of the Conservation Law Foundation testified, in support of the bill. “Second, it requires investor-owned utilities to proactively plan for climate risks.”

May 02, 2019

Should N.H. Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags?

Several states, and roughly three hundred U.S. cities and towns, have banned single-use plastic bags. Now, several states in New England, including New Hampshire, are considering similar bans. Kirstie Pecci joins The Exchange to talk more about what we can do to reduce plastic pollution.

Apr 29, 2019

Brayton Point cooling towers’ demolition draws watch-parties, celebrations

“This is a landmark, this is a symbol of pollution that has been destructive in this community for over 50 years,” said Amy Moses, Rhode Island director and vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation, which filed suit along with other environmental groups against Brayton Point Power Station in 2013.

Apr 27, 2019

Q&A: Brayton Point Tower Background

Sean Mahoney, executive vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation, joins WPRI live on Eyewitness News This Morning to discuss the Brayton Point coal plant demolition.

Apr 26, 2019

NOAA panel backs sharp curbs on lobster lines that imperil right whales

“Reducing and weakening the lines in the water is a start, but we need to go much further, much faster,” said Erica Fuller, a senior staff attorney at the Conservation Law Foundation, which has sued NOAA in an effort to force the agency to take more aggressive action to protect right whales.