Feb 07, 2020

The EPA’s New Water Rule: 5 Takeaways For Massachusetts

“This rule green-lights the dumping of pesticides and toxic chemicals into our waters,” says Heather Govern, director of the Conservation Law Foundation’s clean air and water program. “Drinking water in New England is threatened by rule changes like this, because you just won’t have those same protections for smaller streams.”

Jan 26, 2020

Why Maine needs the Transportation Climate Initiative

At a time when the federal government is utterly failing to protect us from the impacts of climate change, we need state-level policies like TCI more than ever. If it’s done right, we will all see the benefits.

Jan 09, 2020

R.I. lawmakers set to take up plastic bag ban again

“The Senate President’s bill is a solid compromise and it will keep Rhode Island’s lands and waters free from this toxic litter,” said Amy Moses, Rhode Island director of the Conservation Law Foundation.

Dec 27, 2019

Atlantic Marine Monument Withstands Federal Appeals Court Challenge

“The fishermen have had the ocean all to themselves for centuries,” says Peter Shelley, senior counsel for the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston. Shelley says the lawsuit challenging the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Monument, and the presidential authority that created it, failed to acknowledge other “values” such as conservation and preservation as powers granted in the Antiquities Act of 1906.