My respect for the environment and the world in which we live was passed down through generations.
In the early 1900’s, my grandparents came here from the Cape Verdean Islands, working first as whalers and then as farmers. The ocean and land were a very important part of feeding their families and community members. I learned from them and my parents the importance of having clean water, clean air, and good soil.
I learned about CLF from friends and neighbors. It didn’t take long for me to realize that CLF is an amazing organization that can simultaneously challenge giant corporations like Shell and the dangerous scrap metal yards at the Providence Port, while helping to unite communities to find lasting solutions to issues directly impacting them.
This is why I eagerly joined the Rhode Island State Advisory Board. I am thrilled to be a member of an organization that works with community-based and grassroots organizations and uses its strength and knowledge to lift the voices of marginalized people. Together, we can fight for environmental justice, steward our environment, and use our voices for lasting, sustainable change across New England.