Justin Boyan - Conservation Law Foundation

Justin Boyan

Champions Club Member | Providence, RI

Justin Boyan and Family

What inspired you to first give to CLF?

Although I grew up in a land of malls and cul-de-sacs in suburban Baltimore, my parents raised me to love nature. As a political science professor, my dad always wanted to engage with the political process and the law in combatting environmental degradation. When my parents retired to Vermont, it was a natural fit for them to join CLF. I moved from San Francisco to Providence around the same time, and Dad turned me on to the great work CLF was doing on many issues I care about: protecting Rhode Island’s coastal waterways, reducing sprawl, and leading the way toward carbon-free power generation for New England.

What sets CLF apart from other environmental organizations?

There is an effective combination of open discussion with all stakeholders with tough legal action to achieve environmental goals.