Can You Slash Your Trash for a Week?
Together, we need to rise up and advocate for a zero-waste future. You can start right now with CLF’s third annual Slash Trash Challenge! Follow along on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to join us in taking on a new zero-waste challenge each day! Not on social media? That’s okay! This page outlines all of the daily challenges to help you start reducing your trash.
Throughout the week, we’ll also have daily Instagram Takeovers – where Zero Waste experts, business owners, and activists, will share their own take on what it means to reduce trash and advocate for a healthier, low-waste New England. To follow along, just go to CLF’s Instagram account and tap on our profile picture (you don’t even need to have an account to view our Profile Stories!).
By the end of this Challenge, we hope you’ll make at least one permanent change in your life towards going Zero Waste. But more importantly, we want you to walk away from this Challenge having learned about the waste in our lives and how you can play a part in advocating for long-term solutions to our trash.
The schedule below lists out each day’s challenge, fun happenings throughout the week, and some educational content. Time to start slashing our trash!
September 27
Dig Through Your Trash (Conduct a Waste Audit)
It might sound gross, but by scavenging through your garbage, you can conduct a waste audit. Look to see what types of items you’re tossing out and if there are any you can replace with reusables. Also take note of your food waste. Are there any foods you throw away without eating? Use this waste audit as an opportunity to cut back on trash where you can!
Show us your results by tagging us on social and using the hashtag: #SlashTrashChallenge
Virtual Event: Creating a Zero Waste Kitchen | 3:00 PM
To kick off our week-long Challenge, we’re partnering with Food Waste Feast to host a live, virtual event!
Co-founders Mei and Irene will join us from their home kitchens to share a few tips and tricks on how to cut down on food waste – and save money. Plus, the sister-duo, who also co-founded Mei Mei Dumplings in Boston, will answer all your zero-waste foodie questions!
September 28
Cut Down on Food Waste
Yesterday, the Founders of Food Waste Feast showed us some tips on how to cut down our food waste in the kitchen. So, today, we’re challenging you to start cutting down on your own food waste. Do you use up all the “older” fruits and veggies in your fridge? Do you compost?
Show us how you stop food from going to the landfill by tagging us on social media and using the hashtag: #SlashTrashChallenge
September 29
Ditch Single-Use Plastics
Single-use plastics are potent! Not only are they made from petrochemicals, but their toxicity contaminates our health and the environment. So today, we’re challenging you to ditch single-use plastics! If you’re out at a restaurant and order a drink, tell your waiter not to bring a straw. Instead of buying a new bottle of shampoo, opt for a shampoo bar!
There are so many ways you can ditch single-use plastics. And we want to know what steps you’ve taken, or plan to take, to get there by tagging us on social and using the hashtag #SlashTrashChallenge
September 30
Switch to Reusable Containers Wherever Possible
When packing food or drinks for work, school, a hike, or road trip, try reusable containers! By investing in reusables, you can help reduce the amount of disposable packaging that ends up in our landfills, oceans, and environment each year.
Tell us what your favorite reusable products are! Tag us on social and use the hashtag #SlashTrashChallenge
October 1
BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag)
BYOB. That’s right, today, we want you to Bring Your Own BAG when going shopping. Whether it’s for groceries, clothes, toiletries – really anything at all – remember to bring your own, reusable bags with you! By joining in on the BYOB culture, you can help reduce New England’s – and the world’s – plastic waste and save wildlife and marine animals in the process.
Show us your favorite reusable bags and everywhere you take them by tagging us on social media and using the hashtag: #SlashTrashChallenge
October 2
Repurpose Your Junk or Old, Worn Out Items
Items you consider junk, or old and worn out might still be of good use. So, instead of throwing these items away, we’re challenging you to give them a new life! Repurposing items and products is a great way to slash trash – plus, it’s a cheap alternative to buying something brand new! Starting today, try to repurpose some of the items that you would typically throw away or toss in your recycling bin. Or, start donating items like furniture and clothes that are still in good condition but just need a new home!
Show us how you repurpose products by tagging us on social media and using the hashtag #SlashTrashChallenge
October 3
Advocate for Zero Waste Systems and Policies
This week, we’ve challenged you to slash your trash. But for real change, we need to invest in Zero Waste systems. That means regularly calling on our legislators, our towns, our restaurants, our stores, and one another to make a difference.
To bring our Challenge to a close, we want to know how you plan to advocate for Zero Waste moving forward. Show us your advocacy in action by tagging us on social media and using the hashtag #SlashTrashChallenge
Zero Waste Activism Toolkit
The way we deal with trash poisons people. Landfills and incinerators harm our health and environment – but they’re not our only option. Zero Waste means changing our laws, policies, and practices for the health of our communities.
Use this toolkit to take action for zero waste.