New Bill In Senate Would Keep Vermont’s Energy Future Clean
A new bill in Vermont’s Senate would put Vermont’s goal of getting 90% of our energy from renewable sources by 2050 into law.

A new bill in Vermont’s Senate would put Vermont’s goal of getting 90% of our energy from renewable sources by 2050 into law.
This past year was big for clean water in Vermont. The pollution limits for Lake Champlain were finalized, and a slew of new rules for agriculture, development and wastewater were established. CLF fought hard to shape these new policies to protect the environment and to ensure we have regular check-ins and honest accounting on how… Continue reading What’s Next for Clean Water in Vermont
… The results show strong support for renewable energy development in the state and “not taking any particular technology off the table,” said Sandy Levine of the Conservation Law Foundation. Vermont has already built three large wind farms and permitted a fourth. In doing so, the state has come up with “very successful mitigation plans”… Continue reading Wind Takes Center Stage in Vermont Governor’s Race
… At first glance, it may have looked like a rally or a protest, but those part of Thursday night’s event said the demonstration serves as a vigil for Lake Champlain. “A lot of people are very frustrated and they’re concerned,” said Rebekah Weber, Lake Keeper, Conservation Law Foundation. Read more here…
… Vermont set phosphorus pollution levels for Lake Champlain in 2002. The EPA reopened the TMDL limits in 2011 in response to a lawsuit filed in 2008 by the Conservation Law Foundation questioning the calculations. CLF is the host organization for Lake Champlain LakeKeeper Rebekah Weber. Read more here…