May 14, 2021

What Right Whale Names Can Teach Us About This Beautiful Species

Right whale names open a unique window into a whale’s life, describing unique physical features and telling the story of the experiences that they have overcome.

But who’s behind naming the whales? Or why do they bother naming them? Here’s the how, the why, and much more.

Right whale names - a north atlantic right whale sag with four whales interacting
Mar 08, 2021

Vineyard Wind Project Passes Major Hurdle

“Offshore wind is a critical piece of New England’s shift from polluting fossil fuels to clean energy,” said Priscilla Brooks, Director of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “Today’s news is an exciting step forward for the Vineyard Wind project and we look forward to reviewing the environmental impact statement. We will continue to work with Vineyard Wind and federal officials to make sure that this project moves forward quickly and in a way that avoids harm to endangered North Atlantic right whales as well as other ocean wildlife and habitats.”

offshore wind farm
Dec 30, 2020

NOAA Proposes New Rule to Protect Right Whales

“After such an unprecedented delay, this new rule will help stem the surge of right whale deaths we’ve seen over the last several years,” said Erica Fuller, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Ropeless fishing is the only solution that protects whales and fishermen, and the rule expands that practice. However, NOAA must end its reliance on weak rope as a solution and get emergency protections on the water immediately while this rule is finalized.”

right whale aerial shot
Apr 09, 2020

Judge Rules that Federal Fishery Managers Violated the Endangered Species Act

“This decision confirms that even the federal government is not above the law,” said Erica Fuller, CLF Senior Attorney. “We must do whatever it takes to ensure right whales are here for future generations, and that starts with obeying the Endangered Species Act. The ruling provides an incentive for fishermen and scientists to forge a new path  that protects right whales while also sustaining the lobster industry.”

right whale aerial shot
Apr 26, 2018

An Illustrated History of North Atlantic Right Whales

North Atlantic right whales could be extinct by 2040 if we don’t act quickly. Once a common target for whalers, the population now faces new and increasing threats from ship strikes and fishing gear. We need all hands on deck to save our right whales.

Apr 20, 2018

Canada is Taking Action to Save North Atlantic Right Whales

Last year, 17 North Atlantic right whales died, leaving the remaining population of less than 450 precariously close to extinction. Twelve of the deaths last year occurred in Canadian waters. Certain folks in the U.S. pointed their fingers at our northern neighbors saying that efforts here are pointless unless Canada makes necessary changes, but Canada is taking action – and they’re doing it much faster than we are.

right whales