Dec 05, 2018

New Governor Could Make Maine a Climate Leader

With the election of Attorney General Janet Mills, Maine has the chance to reverse the harmful LePage administration anti-environment policies and commit to a broad framework for tackling climate change.

Maine Statehouse.
Sep 20, 2018

CLF Continues Fight Against Unfair Maine Solar Rules

“The rules put forth by the LePage administration are a giant step backward for solar power,” said Sean Mahoney, Executive Vice President and Director of CLF Maine. “Mainers overwhelmingly support solar and other renewable energy sources. These policies disincentivize homeowners from making the necessary investments at a time when it is more important than ever for the state encourage development in Maine’s fast-growing clean energy sector.”

Aug 03, 2018

Judge Lets LePage Wind Moratorium Stand, But in Name Only

Last month, a Maine Superior Court judge dismissed CLF’s lawsuit against the LePage administration’s executive order that places a moratorium on new wind power developments in most of the state. The true losers in this case are not CLF and our co-plaintiffs, however. They are the people of Maine, our pursuit of energy independence, and our ability to create good, local jobs in a thriving new industry.

Jun 14, 2018

Massachusetts Senate Passes Comprehensive Environmental Bill

“This legislation is an important step forward in combatting climate change, growing real local jobs, and making Massachusetts a healthier place to live. It works to ensure that we will meet our 2050 climate mandate by setting a reasonable timeline with milestones along the way, while adding protection for vulnerable communities and our workforce. We urge the House to follow the Senate’s lead and pass this legislation.”

Massachusetts State House
May 23, 2018

Massachusetts and Rhode Island Move Forward With Offshore Wind

“The clean, local energy generated by these projects will benefit all of New England. CLF is looking forward to working with those involved to ensure this project comes online quickly while minimizing environmental impacts for endangered right whales and other critical species.”

May 22, 2018

Clean Renewable Energy Is the Key to a Resilient Electric Grid in New England

New analysis from the regional grid operator, ISO New England (ISO), confirms what CLF and other experts have been saying for some time: New England doesn’t need expensive natural gas pipelines to keep the lights on and our homes warm even during our harshest winters. In fact, thanks to the growth of clean, renewable energy,… Continue reading Clean Renewable Energy Is the Key to a Resilient Electric Grid in New England

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.
Mar 07, 2018

Study Proves Clean Energy Can Power New England’s Future

The regional grid operator ISO-New England‘s long-awaited Operational Fuel-Security Analysis shows that more renewables, not more gas, will keep New England’s electric power system reliable – especially during winter cold-snaps. That supports what CLF, and the markets, have been saying now for several years – New England doesn’t need more gas-fired power plants or expensive… Continue reading Study Proves Clean Energy Can Power New England’s Future