Progress Report: Offshore Wind in the Gulf of Maine
CLF is fighting to develop offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine while protecting our natural resources and coastal communities.

CLF is fighting to develop offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine while protecting our natural resources and coastal communities.
“Expanding offshore wind is a necessity if New England is going to confront the climate crisis with everything we’ve got,” said CLF senior attorney Nick Krakoff. “The Gulf of Maine needs to be part of that strategy, yet it is critical to ensure that wind is developed responsibly. We must limit impacts on the critical species, habitats, and existing ocean users that make the area so special, and CLF will be at the table to make sure that happens.”
“We must reform Vermont’s renewable energy rules if we’re serious about meeting our climate goals and slashing dangerous pollution in our communities,” said CLF attorney Chase Whiting. “A portion of our electricity comes from out-of-state fossil fuel plants that pollute communities’ air, destroy our planet, and take hard-earned money from Vermonters. This is unacceptable. It’s time to update these rules to ensure our electricity comes from new clean energy sources like wind and solar, especially those that bring new jobs to Vermont.”
“The climate crisis will not spare Connecticut, and our legislators are clearly taking this threat seriously,” said CLF attorney Shannon Laun. “Expanding clean, renewable energy will help us cut emissions and protect the air our families breathe. It’s time for Governor Lamont to sign these bills into law so we can get to work.”
“This is a huge step towards getting polluting, dirty fossil fuels out of our homes,” said Shannon Laun, CLF staff attorney. “Unfortunately, PURA is giving gas companies a grace period to sign up more customers for the incentive program. Gas poisons our air and is a major driver of the climate crisis, and the incentives should have been ended immediately.”
“The actions announced today give Connecticut’s communities vital new tools to combat climate impacts,” said CLF attorney Shannon Laun. “We know this crisis won’t affect everyone equally, so the Governor’s focus on environmental justice and equity is absolutely critical. We’ll be pushing our leaders to go further by strengthening climate targets, adopting stronger vehicle emissions standards, accelerating the transition to electric vehicles, and rapidly phasing out fossil fuels.”
“Wood-burning power plants spew harmful emissions that poison the air in surrounding communities,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “They worsen asthma and other respiratory conditions and set us back in reaching our mandatory climate goals. Industrial biomass plants don’t belong in any community, and it’s time for the Commonwealth to stop providing subsidies for toxic power that is hardly renewable.”
State officials need to hear your voice in crafting this plan, which helps us achieve our mandatory climate targets.
Our regional electricity grid operator, ISO-New England, must stop supporting the dirty fossil fuels at the root of the climate crisis.
New England won’t be able to meet its climate goals and enjoy the benefits of clean energy unless our grid operator undertakes serious reform.