Mar 05, 2019

Offshore Wind and Right Whales Can Coexist. Here’s How.

It’s an exciting time for offshore wind in New England, with multiple projects moving forward over the next decade. Developers can move the clean energy industry forward while protecting North Atlantic right whales by following these best practices.

North Atlantic right whale
Jan 23, 2019

Getting Offshore Wind Right for New England’s Right Whale

As offshore wind projects move forward off of New England’s coast, it’s important to bring this clean energy online while maintaining a healthy ocean. Part of that balance is ensuring that offshore wind development does not harm our iconic – and severely endangered – North Atlantic right whales. CLF and our partners reached landmark agreement with offshore wind developer Vineyard Wind to make sure that this exciting source of clean energy doesn’t come at the expense of our treasured right whale.

Right whale "Nauset" and calf
Jan 23, 2019

Vineyard Wind, Conservation Groups Reach Historic Agreement to Protect Right Whales

“As we ask more of our oceans, we must ensure that we balance the critical need for clean energy with the protection of our majestic right whales and other marine species,” added Dr. Priscilla Brooks, Director of Ocean Conservation at CLF. “This agreement marks a significant step forward in responsible development of offshore wind energy.”

Jul 31, 2018

Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

This week, Massachusetts had a chance to make meaningful progress on clean energy. With a slew of bills in front of them, the legislature was poised to minimize electricity costs, bolster local job growth, and protect its people from the worst effects of climate change. Instead, our legislators made only half-hearted nods towards progress, falling… Continue reading Massachusetts Legislature Fails to Take Meaningful Action on Clean Energy

The Massachusetts Legislature missed their chance to lead on energy today. Photo Credit: Shutterstock.
May 23, 2018

Massachusetts and Rhode Island Move Forward With Offshore Wind

“The clean, local energy generated by these projects will benefit all of New England. CLF is looking forward to working with those involved to ensure this project comes online quickly while minimizing environmental impacts for endangered right whales and other critical species.”

Jan 04, 2018

Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

[Update: On Jan. 4, 2018, the Trump administration announced a new five-year plan that would open up most U.S. continental shelf waters, including protected areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic, to oil and gas drilling. CLF joined 63 other groups in opposing this plan. Read the full joint statement here.] Over the past year, we’ve… Continue reading Not on Our Watch: Protecting New England’s Ocean from Offshore Drilling

Northeast Ocean Plan
Feb 16, 2017

New England’s Big Pipeline Myth

For three years now, Big Gas has been spinning tall tales aimed at scaring you and me – and especially our local politicans – into locking in our addiction to dirty, polluting natural gas for decades to come. But their hype ignores the facts and the very real progress made over the past few years to avoid price spikes, keep the lights on, and tamp down our emissions of climate-damaging pollution.

Block Island Wind