Aug 19, 2020
“The survival of the species cannot wait for endless debate on new protections,” said Erica Fuller, senior attorney at CLF. “The judge made it clear that the federal government needs to go back to the drawing board and meaningfully address all of the impacts of the lobster fishery on right whales. Today’s ruling will put a stop to the government’s endless foot-dragging on implementing new long term protections.”
Jul 31, 2020
We know that to protect biodiversity and build our ocean’s resilience to climate change, we must protect much more of New England’s ocean.
Jul 09, 2020
“This is a barometer and the forecast for right whales could still go either way,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “With a calf recently found dead of blunt trauma caused by a vessel strike, we’re one step closer to extinction. While this new status doesn’t change legal obligations here at home, it’s a reminder that to save this species, we can’t wait any longer for necessary long term protections.”
Jun 29, 2020
After a victory in the first phase of our lawsuit to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales, now we’re asking the court for protective measures in the second phase.
Jun 25, 2020
“This death is a tragedy,” said Erica Fuller, CLF Senior Attorney. “Like most of the right whales before it, this one didn’t die of natural causes. NOAA must take the threat of ship strikes seriously. We urgently need more surveillance of whale habitats and mandatory vessel speed restrictions in these areas as soon as possible.”
Apr 15, 2020
Thanks to technology, you can spot endangered North Atlantic right whales from your couch. Right now, the whales that traveled south for the winter are migrating back north to our waters. While we’re all at home, it’s a great time to add whale watching to your quarantine activity list.
Dec 31, 2019
After a moving encounter with a right whale, CLF member Vi Patek joined our lawsuit to protect the endangered species. Members like Vi — and you — are essential to our work going to court and defending, enforcing, and enacting important environmental protections.
Oct 28, 2019
“Expanded fishing in a right whale hot spot flies in the face of the Endangered Species Act,” said Erica Fuller, CLF Senior Attorney. “This ruling rightfully reverses a dangerous course and will give right whales the protection they need from fishing gear. We cannot afford to lose even one more of these critically endangered creatures.”
Oct 03, 2019
The world’s oceans are in dire straits. A startling UN report confirms what we at CLF have been saying for years: Without drastic measures to halt climate-damaging emissions and protect our oceans, life in New England, and around the world, will be forever changed. If we act now, we can still protect our oceans and way of life for future generations. But we don’t have a moment to waste.
Jul 09, 2019
“There is no more time for half measures or endless meetings and discussions,” said CLF Senior Attorney Erica Fuller. “Critically endangered right whales can recover, but we need to stop killing them now. Both the U.S. and Canadian governments must take additional action to protect this majestic species before it disappears from our oceans forever.”