Mar 02, 2021

Devens Clean Water Act Lawsuit Settled

“This settlement means the owners of the Devens site are addressing stormwater pollution at Devens in compliance with the Clean Water Act,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “MassDevelopment now has a legally enforceable permit that ensures it will follow Clean Water Act pollution requirements. MassDevelopment’s and Devens Enterprise Commission’s commitment to green improvements to the site’s stormwater system will result in a healthier Nashua River and surrounding waters.”

Mar 01, 2021

Massachusetts Power Grid Vulnerable to Climate Impacts

“The tragedy in Texas is just the latest example of the climate crisis threatening critical infrastructure and endangering lives,” said Deanna Moran, Director of Environmental Planning at CLF. “To protect the public from these catastrophic impacts, investor-owned utilities must prepare for extreme temperatures, extreme precipitation, storms, and sea-level rise now. Taking the right steps now will avoid disaster down the road.”

transmission lines
Feb 22, 2021

State Approves East Boston Substation Despite Widespread Opposition

“Approving the construction of this substation is a slap in the face to the East Boston community,” said CLF staff attorney Erica Kyzmir-McKeon. “State officials did everything they could to silence community input on this project, calling necessary translation services ‘disruptive.’ This project will impact the neighborhood for decades to come and it never should have been approved.”

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
Jan 14, 2021

Governor Baker Vetoes Critical Climate Bill

“On Earth Day, we cheered as Governor Baker declared net-zero emissions by 2050 an enforceable order under the state’s landmark climate law,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “With the stroke of his veto pen, the Governor has mocked this commitment he trumpeted just nine months ago. This irresponsible veto – admittedly at the behest of special interest lobbyists – deprives the Commonwealth’s families and businesses of the tools they need to cut emissions in a just and economically beneficial way. The Governor has drastically set us back in reaching our climate goals.”

Massachusetts State House
Jan 04, 2021

Mass. Legislature Passes Far-Reaching Climate Bill

“This legislation is a momentous step forward in confronting the climate crisis and protecting environmental justice communities,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Only with the concrete plan and critical justice language in this legislation can the Commonwealth grow its economy, fight climate change, and begin to address stark environmental and public health inequities. The long-term health and safety of everyone in Massachusetts depend on Governor Baker signing this bill into law.”

Massachusetts State House
Dec 30, 2020

Mass. Unveils Clean Energy Plans

“Massachusetts needs to commit to significant changes if we’re going to reach the 2050 emissions limits required by law,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “The people who will be affected most by the climate crisis, including Black and Brown communities and low-income households, must be part of the process, and it’s a great step forward that officials plan to do just that. We will be holding our leaders accountable for sticking to the goals laid out in this plan because it’s time to get to work.”

The Massachusetts State House
Dec 21, 2020

Agreement to Cut Transportation Emissions Finalized

“TCI has the potential to fill a glaring gap in transportation funding and to reduce emissions, but it has been fraught by a process that too often ignored community concerns,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “While today’s agreement includes important equity commitments, it is the next steps that matter most. CLF can only support this program if these commitments become enforceable policies and truly additive investments in climate and the communities suffering most from air pollution and lack of transportation options.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards
Dec 14, 2020

MBTA to Cut Critical Transportation Services

“Slashing these critical services will be catastrophic for communities that depend on public transit,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “It’s senseless to cut services that essential workers depend on each day while COVID continues to rage. These cuts are not as bad as originally proposed, but they will nevertheless upend the lives of thousands of people, set the state back in reaching our climate goals, and hinder economic recovery after the pandemic.”

Dec 11, 2020

Tobin Bridge Bus Lane Set to Open Monday

“It’s time to stop pandering to car travel at the expense of public transit,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “People who depend on the bus are constantly delayed as the Tobin is inundated with single-occupancy cars. This new lane will slash those travel times benefiting Chelsea residents and workers. Making public transportation faster and more reliable is a key strategy to relieve the gridlock that has plagued our region.”

The Tobin bridge runs through Chelsea, an environmental justice community