Aug 26, 2021

Mayor Janey Withdraws Boston’s Downtown Municipal Harbor Plan

“Mayor Janey made the right decision today,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Boston’s developer-driven MHP process is fundamentally flawed, and the Downtown MHP would have resulted in less public access to one of the city’s greatest treasures – Boston Harbor. It’s time to reform the planning processes for all waterfront neighborhoods to elevate the public’s voice and right to access the water. We look forward to working with the city to achieve this goal.”

Aug 20, 2021

On Board: Why The New MBTA Board Benefits Riders And The Environment

In late July, Governor Baker signed a law that establishes a new, permanent board to oversee the MBTA. This is a huge win for communities and riders who depend on the T to get where they need to go, and it has the potential to lead to much-needed changes within the transit system.

Aug 19, 2021

EJ communities finally get a say

Massachusetts has taken a huge step forward in ensuring that communities have a say in what happens in their neighborhoods. It’s long past time we stop forcing low-income communities and communities of color to bear the burdens of polluting infrastructure. But that doesn’t mean we simply move the pollution elsewhere. Wood-burning power plants do not belong in anyone’s community.

Jul 21, 2021

Mass. Legislature Creates Permanent MBTA Oversight Board

“The era of kicking the can down the road at the MBTA is over,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “People in nearly 200 communities depend on the T to get where they need to go, and it’s time we get a reliable, affordable system that works for everyone. This bill will make sure that the oversight board understands the issues plaguing the MBTA and has the vision to create a better system for everyone.”

MBTA 66 bus
May 20, 2021

Quincy Oil Terminal Endangering Community

“Sprague’s Quincy terminal is an accident waiting to happen,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The company has allowed the terminal’s protective berms to deteriorate to the point of failure, putting the community at risk of being flooded with a spill of toxic chemicals. It’s also a clear sign that Sprague is failing its legal obligation to prepare the site for the climate crisis. This facility is an imminent threat to homes, public health, and nearby waters, and it’s time the company cleans up its act.”

May 17, 2021

CLF, PEER Call for Immediate Pause on Use of PFAS-Laden Pesticides

“Millions of acres across New England are being blanketed with toxic forever chemicals,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “It is all but certain that dangerous PFAS are leaching into groundwater and threatening to poison communities that depend on that water to drink. Leaders across New England need to step up and protect public health by stopping the use of PFAS-laden pesticides until we’re certain they aren’t poisoning our food and water.”

May 14, 2021

State Issues Draft Waterfront Development Regulations

“These regulations impact everyone in Massachusetts, “said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF.  “The state can’t just rubber-stamp its way out of this problem and ignore the tidelands development principles it broke. The public needs to be involved in every step of this process and officials must offer more than just two public meetings. Access to the waterfront is enshrined in Massachusetts law and it must stay that way.”

Apr 02, 2021

Springfield Biomass Plant Permit Revoked

“The last thing the asthma capital of the U.S. needs is a plant spewing air pollution and further imperiling public health,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Springfield residents made their opposition to this polluting plant clear, and DEP officials have handed them a win today. The fact is that burning biomass is neither clean nor renewable and it should be left in the past with fossil fuels.”

Community members holding a banner reading "Welcome to Springfield the Asthma Capital of the USA" to oppose a proposed biomass plant.
Mar 26, 2021

Governor Baker Finally Signs Climate Bill into Law

“Massachusetts is already seeing the impacts of the climate crisis so we must continue to lead on bold climate policy,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “As this bill becomes law, we can finally begin the essential work of slashing emissions and creating a safer, more sustainable future for all residents. Governor Baker must work quickly to implement new rules that ensure the state’s ambitious climate goals are realized.”

The front of the Massachusetts State House, with the gold dome visible in front of blue sky
Mar 18, 2021

Mass. House Passes Far-Reaching Climate Bill

“This legislation, passed with veto-proof majorities, is a momentous step forward in confronting the climate crisis and protecting communities that suffer first and worst from climate change,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “The Legislature honored its pledge to return the bill quickly to Governor Baker’s desk and incorporated changes to address administration concerns without weakening the bill. It’s past time for Governor Baker to sign the bill into law and get on with the important work of cutting emissions and forging the path to a safer and more sustainable future.”

The Massachusetts State House