Dec 10, 2020

EPA Issues New Permit Requirements for Massachusetts Communities

“Stormwater pollution is devastating waters across Massachusetts,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Cities and towns are responsible for curbing this pollution but many have failed for years. This permit’s issuance should jumpstart vital stormwater controls and bring us one step closer to clean water across the state.”

Dec 10, 2020

New Report Examines How Mass. Can Ditch Gas

“Continuing to rely on gas will spell disaster for our climate goals,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “Gas is not a safe or clean alternative to oil, and we must phase out its use to heat our homes. There are better options out there and it’s time Massachusetts gets serious about new policies that will get us off gas once and for all.”

a row of gas meters on the side of a building
Nov 18, 2020

MA Officials to Reinstate I-93 HOV Lane

“Now is the time to improve transit options and avoid the gridlock that plagued our region before the pandemic,” said Staci Rubin, Senior Attorney at CLF. “Reinstating the HOV lane and committing to pilot bus lanes on both I-93 and the Tobin Bridge will drastically improve commute times and protect the health of overburdened communities like Chelsea and Somerville.”

Oct 30, 2020

MA Officials Must Approve At-Grade Option for I-90 Project

“It is past time for MassDOT to heed the consensus among Mayor Walsh, transportation experts, and affected neighborhoods that the all at-grade approach is the best one for Boston, for commuters, and for the river,” said Bradley Campbell, President of Conservation Law Foundation. “The Baker Administration should start working for rather than against its own vision for the future of transportation in the Commonwealth.” 

Photo: Charles River, Boston
Oct 01, 2020

Poll Finds Water Pollution a Critical Issue for Cape Residents

“Wastewater pollution is one of the greatest issues facing Cape Cod,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “We’ve known for decades that this pollution is destroying the Cape’s bays and ponds and threatening to drag property values and the economy down with it. Residents clearly understand the urgency of this crisis, and it’s about time our officials to end the pattern of do-little and delay and commit to solving the problem. ”

Sep 16, 2020

Lawsuit Seeks Suspension of Septic Installations and Inspections

“These three entities have utterly failed to protect Cape Cod’s waters,” said Christopher Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “We’ve known for years that septic systems across the Cape are dumping waste into the bays and ponds the region depends on for tourism. Until they get this problem under control, the installation of new systems and the inspection of properties with existing septic must be halted.” 

Aug 24, 2020

Toxic Runoff Contaminating Mystic and Neponset Rivers

“Properties have been given free rein to dump toxic pollutants into the Mystic and Neponset Rivers for too long,” said Heather Govern, Director of CLF’s Clean Air and Water program. “Communities surrounding the Mystic and Neponset already see far more than their share of pollution, and toxic algae outbreaks only add insult to injury. It’s time EPA hold these polluters accountable and ensure residents have access to clean and healthy rivers.”

Aug 06, 2020

Cape Cod Facilities Contributing to Scourge of Toxic Algae

“Cape Cod’s bays and ponds are facing disaster,” said Chris Kilian, Vice President of Strategic Litigation at CLF. “As these facilities continue to dump harmful levels of nitrogen, the climate crisis is warming these waters and making them even more susceptible to toxic algae outbreaks. We will continue to hold these polluters accountable until every last one has stopped pouring pollutants into waters that belong to all of us.”