Mar 14, 2023

Quincy Oil Terminal Endangering Community

“Sprague’s Quincy terminal is an accident waiting to happen,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “The climate crisis is worsening storms and flooding in and around Boston Harbor, and Sprague has sat on their hands while nearby communities are at risk of being inundated with a toxic oil spill. This facility is woefully unprepared for extreme weather, and it’s time the owners are held accountable in court.”

The area surrounding Sprague Oil's terminal in Quincy, MA.
Mar 02, 2023

Winds of Change

With at least nine new offshore wind farms geared to start spinning in New England by 2028, now is the moment to consider what thoughtful and inclusive offshore wind infrastructure looks like.

Construction of an offshore wind turbine
Feb 01, 2023

The Truth About Electric Stoves  

The gas industry is trying to convince us that electric stoves are inferior to gas stoves. But we’ve got the facts that make electric stoves sizzle with potential.

Hand turning on an electric burner
Dec 21, 2022

Mass. Releases 2050 Climate Plan

“With climate impacts already at our doorsteps, now is the time to take action for the future,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “This plan is on the right track, especially when it comes to phasing out fossil fuels in our homes and on our roads. But we need to do more on environmental justice to make sure that no communities are left behind in the years ahead.” 

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.