Aug 02, 2018

EPA Rolls Back Clean Car Standards

“The EPA and NHTSA are prioritizing fossil fuel interests over the health of our communities,” said CLF Staff Attorney Emily K. Green. “Strong vehicle emissions standards are critical to addressing climate change, and weakening them will put the health of millions of Americans at risk. This decision disproportionately harms the most vulnerable among us, while forcing families and businesses to pay more at the pump. We will continue to fight this rollback with every tool available.”

Clean car standards are good for our health, good for the environment, and good for our wallets.
Jul 30, 2018

CLF Challenges Permits that Increase Pollution into Lake Champlain

“Vermont cannot be a champion of conservation when state authorities are giving towns the green light to dump more toxic pollution into Lake Champlain,” said Elena Mihaly, Staff Attorney, Conservation Law Foundation. “Lake Champlain is a natural treasure and economic driver for Vermont and it is the agency’s obligation to protect our waters. Granting permits that will increase pollution flowing into this iconic lake is irresponsible, reckless, and unlawful.”

Algae blooms phosphorus pollution
Jul 05, 2018

Scott Pruitt Resigns from EPA

“Don’t be fooled by the devil on his way out the door because there’s another one waiting in the wings,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “There is no doubt that the next EPA administrator will be another Scott Pruitt—in bed with the fossil fuel industry and rolling back environmental protections with a vengeance.”

Jun 06, 2018

CLF Goes to Washington to Stand Up for Our Oceans

As the Trump administration continues its attack on our nation’s public lands and waters, it has never been more pressing to highlight the importance of a healthy ocean ecosystem. That is why CLF is heading to Washington, DC next week to participate in Capitol Hill Ocean Week.

May 15, 2018

Reclaiming the People’s Harbor

A wave of luxury development threatens to wall off the experience of Boston Harbor from the people who paid to clean it up, just as the waterfront was once literally walled off behind the city’s Central Artery expressway. CLF Senior Counsel Peter Shelley remembers the original campaign to clean up the Boston Harbor, and continues to work on current issues of equity and fairness.

Boston Harbor
May 15, 2018

CLF Sues EPA Over Rollback of Clean Car Standards

“The impacts of weakening these landmark standards will be widespread and severe,” said Emily Green, CLF Staff Attorney. “American families and businesses will be forced to pay more at the pump for gas, while the air we breathe becomes dirtier and the health of our communities is put at risk.”

EPA revokes state authority to set vehicle emissions standards
Apr 24, 2018

Lake Champlain Report Card: State Gets a D+ for Its Clean-up Efforts

Vermont’s rivers and lakes are not healthy. Toxic cyanobacteria plague our waters year after year threatening the health of people, wildlife, and our economy. Too often throughout the summer, signs are posted at public beaches warning families to stay out of the water. This is an annoyance for the parents who heed the warnings, scary… Continue reading Lake Champlain Report Card: State Gets a D+ for Its Clean-up Efforts

Apr 06, 2018

Saving Lake Champlain

If there’s one thing that most Vermonters can agree on, it’s that Lake Champlain is in trouble. The iconic lake is central to Vermont’s identity and its tourism economy. It provides drinking water and feeds thirsty farms throughout its large watershed. It’s also dying a slow death due to unchecked pollution. How to stop that… Continue reading Saving Lake Champlain

Lake Champlain, Vermont
Apr 02, 2018

EPA’s Roll Back of Clean Car Standards Will Cost Americans

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced its plans to reverse the nation’s landmark clean car standards. The impacts of weakening the standards will be widespread and severe, and will include raising costs for American families and businesses on gas, while dirtying the air that we breathe and harming the health of our families and… Continue reading EPA’s Roll Back of Clean Car Standards Will Cost Americans