Aug 19, 2021

EJ communities finally get a say

Massachusetts has taken a huge step forward in ensuring that communities have a say in what happens in their neighborhoods. It’s long past time we stop forcing low-income communities and communities of color to bear the burdens of polluting infrastructure. But that doesn’t mean we simply move the pollution elsewhere. Wood-burning power plants do not belong in anyone’s community.

Jul 21, 2021

Mass. Legislature Creates Permanent MBTA Oversight Board

“The era of kicking the can down the road at the MBTA is over,” said Staci Rubin, Vice President of Environmental Justice at CLF. “People in nearly 200 communities depend on the T to get where they need to go, and it’s time we get a reliable, affordable system that works for everyone. This bill will make sure that the oversight board understands the issues plaguing the MBTA and has the vision to create a better system for everyone.”

MBTA 66 bus
Jun 21, 2021

Non-English Speakers Must Have a Say in Their Communities

Neighbors of Eagle Hill in East Boston are opposing the construction of a new Eversource electrical substation. But the lack of accessibility for non-English speakers silenced many community members, shutting them out of a process that directly affects their lives and neighborhoods.

The waterfront site near the dangerous electric substation proposed by Eversource in the Eagle Hill community in East Boston. The jet fuel tanks and other infrastructure in the background highlight the need for climate justice in this community.
Apr 20, 2021

Chauvin Found Guilty of Murder of George Floyd

“It’s past time a police officer is finally held accountable for the murder of an unarmed Black man,” said Bradley Campbell, President of CLF. “But the months since George Floyd’s murder have shown that this is a pervasive and systemic problem that continues to cost innocent Black lives. Today’s verdict should not distract from the need for thoroughgoing reform of policing and a shift of resources to victimized communities.”

Apr 16, 2021

Massachusetts Reverses Rollback to Critical Clean Energy Policy

“Dirty, industrial biomass pollutes our neighborhoods and has no place in our clean energy future,” said Kirstie Pecci, Interim Director of CLF’s Environmental Justice program. “Massachusetts residents deserve clean air and a livable future. The Commonwealth should not subsidize power plants or incinerators that will harm communities already bearing the brunt of local pollution and climate impacts.”

Dirty energy sources contribute to dangerous air pollution
Mar 30, 2021

Will 2021 Be the Year Rhode Island Acts on Climate?

UPDATE: The Rhode Island legislature passed the Act On Climate 2021 bill, which will put the state on track to lowering its climate-damaging emissions and help Rhode Islanders benefit from the transition to a clean energy economy. After a final review, the bill will go to Governor McKee to sign into law.

Advocates at the State House urge Rhode Island to act on climate
Mar 26, 2021

Governor Baker Finally Signs Climate Bill into Law

“Massachusetts is already seeing the impacts of the climate crisis so we must continue to lead on bold climate policy,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Interim Director of CLF Massachusetts. “As this bill becomes law, we can finally begin the essential work of slashing emissions and creating a safer, more sustainable future for all residents. Governor Baker must work quickly to implement new rules that ensure the state’s ambitious climate goals are realized.”

The front of the Massachusetts State House, with the gold dome visible in front of blue sky