Sep 13, 2023

The Power of Social Investment

In the world of investing, real-world outcomes are often neatly severed from investment strategy. Return on investment, rates, and yields are guiding principles that supersede seemingly idealistic notions of community-building and the environment. But a more thoughtful and creative investment approach has taken root over the past decade. That approach recognizes that the savviest long-term… Continue reading The Power of Social Investment

building in Boston's Roxbury neighborhood
Sep 13, 2023

Groups Form Plastic Free Mass

“It’s time to finally address the plastics crisis in Massachusetts. From modernizing our antiquated beverage container deposit system, to banning single-use plastic bags at checkout, to making producers of plastic packaging responsible for reducing packaging and managing plastic waste at its end of life, there are several pending bills that will take us in the right direction. We stand with our elected officials and pledge to keep up the momentum because there is no time to waste in taking a bite out of waste.”

Sep 08, 2023

CLF Settles Lawsuit Against First Transit in Connecticut

“Idling vehicles spread toxic tailpipe pollution into many communities already overburdened with harmful emissions and asthma,” said CLF attorney Erica Kyzmir-McKeon. “Buses are some of the most egregious sources of this pollution, and First Transit will now take the right steps to address the problem. CLF’s settlement will promote healthier communities by reducing excessive idling, supporting urban farming and green spaces, and enhancing air monitoring in environmental justice communities.”

An exhaust pipe is shown spewing out black smoke
Jul 31, 2023

Modernized Recycling Program Becomes Law in Maine

“Single-use containers are a scourge on our communities and our environment,” said Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Bottle and can redemption systems are a proven way to reduce plastic pollution and make sure that these materials are recycled into new products. Maine’s updated law will revitalize the state’s most successful recycling program, and ultimately result in a cleaner environment and less litter for our communities.”

Pile of Plastic Bottles
Jun 20, 2023

New Hampshire Adopts Budget with Important Waste Changes

“There’s no reason why tons of food should end up in New Hampshire’s landfills and incinerators,” said CLF attorney Nora Bosworth, Zero Waste Attorney at CLF. “Food decomposing in landfills spews toxic methane pollution, threatening our health and worsening the climate crisis. In fact, food is the single largest component in most landfills, so keeping it out of our trash will decrease our reliance on poisonous and unsustainable landfills. This provision will ensure that more food is donated or and composted, which is a win for our communities and the planet.” 

landfill with garbage trucks
Jun 16, 2023

Nashua Rejects Asphalt Plant Proposal 

“The community spoke loud and clear in opposition of this polluting plant,” said CLF Environmental Justice Advocate Jordan Thompson. “The company irresponsibly attempted to push through its plan to build this facility in the middle of a diverse neighborhood that Nashua is invested in improving. The city absolutely made the right decision to deny this plant and protect the health, safety and quality of life of the neighborhood instead.” 

Nashua, New Hampshire City Hall