Sep 02, 2021

Is New England Ready for a Hurricane Harvey? (Or Even Another Ida?)

Our region has seen hurricanes and tropical storms before, but, as we’ve just witnessed, it doesn’t have to be a storm of that magnitude to do significant damage. This year’s wet summer has shown that severe storms are becoming more common and intense, and they will only grow more frequent as the climate crisis deepens. 

Flooding in Rhode Island
Aug 26, 2021

Mayor Janey Withdraws Boston’s Downtown Municipal Harbor Plan

“Mayor Janey made the right decision today,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Boston’s developer-driven MHP process is fundamentally flawed, and the Downtown MHP would have resulted in less public access to one of the city’s greatest treasures – Boston Harbor. It’s time to reform the planning processes for all waterfront neighborhoods to elevate the public’s voice and right to access the water. We look forward to working with the city to achieve this goal.”

Aug 10, 2021

Resilience from the Ground Up

Those forced to live with environmental injustice are often ignored when it comes to issues that affect their daily lives. A new project in Lawrence, Massachusetts, seeks to puts put residents in the lead.

Jul 12, 2021

Here’s What Climate Action Led By and For the Community Looks Like

Extended heat waves, stronger nor’easters, more intense and frequent rainstorms – these are some of the climate impacts expected to affect New England. But they will hit some communities harder than others. Those living in urban areas with little tree cover, for example, suffer more when heat waves strike. The acres of buildings and pavement… Continue reading Here’s What Climate Action Led By and For the Community Looks Like

Lawrence, Massachusetts
Jul 12, 2021

This Community-led Project is Tackling Health and Climate Inequities

With climate impacts already affecting New England – from extended heat waves to heavier and more frequent rains – communities are turning their attention to protecting residents from ever-worsening climate fallout. These impacts will hit some communities harder than others, however. Those living in urban areas with little tree cover, for example, suffer more when heat… Continue reading This Community-led Project is Tackling Health and Climate Inequities

Lawrence, Massachusetts
Jun 16, 2021

The Seaport Cost Billions To Build. What Will It Take To Save It?

“This ad hoc, parcel-by-parcel, project-by-project resilience approach is not a long-term solution,” she said, asking instead for “a better strategy” to bring the development community into conversation and leverage new development to build protections that benefit the entire neighborhood.

Apr 01, 2021

Our Utilities Are Falling Down on Climate. Here’s Why They Need to Step Up.

No state here in New England has required its utilities to assess their vulnerability to climate change – or take action to prepare for it. With our homes, lives, and livelihoods at stake, allowing utilities to be so unprepared is irresponsible and simply too big a risk to take. CLF is pushing to change that – starting with Massachusetts.

Lower Manhattan Power Outage During Hurricane Sandy