Dec 28, 2022

Rebecca Tepper Named Mass. Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs

“Rebecca Tepper is a proven leader and an excellent choice for Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs,” said CLF President Bradley Campbell. “Tepper has the expertise and experience Massachusetts needs to lead on climate while helping communities facing toxic emissions, more polluted waters, and rising energy costs. Secretary Tepper’s first task must be to build a leadership team of comparable stature ready to meet this moment head-on.”

Massachusetts State House
Dec 21, 2022

Mass. Releases 2050 Climate Plan

“With climate impacts already at our doorsteps, now is the time to take action for the future,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “This plan is on the right track, especially when it comes to phasing out fossil fuels in our homes and on our roads. But we need to do more on environmental justice to make sure that no communities are left behind in the years ahead.” 

Clean, renewable energy like wind and solar are ramping up in New England.
Dec 19, 2022

Gov-Elect Healey Names Climate Chief

“With this announcement, it’s clear that Governor-elect Healey is treating the climate crisis with the urgency our future demands,” said CLF President Brad Campbell. “Choosing someone of Melissa’s stature and experience sends a strong signal and she will push the administration to hit the ground running on day one. Massachusetts communities are already feeling the impacts of the climate crisis and now is the time for bold action.”

The Massachusetts State House
Dec 16, 2022

Rhode Island Climate Plan Approved

“Rhode Island clearly has a lot of work to do when it comes to meeting the demands of the climate crisis,” said Darrèll Brown, Vice President of CLF Rhode Island. “The plan that the council approved today is a good first step, and it recommends some much-needed policies like electrifying transit fleets and expanding incentives for clean, efficient heat pumps. But this experience showed us how much time it takes to create an inclusive climate plan – we need to get to work now on the plan’s next iteration which is due in 2025.”

Rhode Island's state house
Dec 15, 2022

Amid Pressure, VT Legislators Delay Vote on Pesticide Rule

“People have a right to make their voice heard when harmful chemicals are being used in their neighborhoods,” said CLF attorney Mason Overstreet. “The proposed rule threatens public health and runs counter to the goals laid out in Vermont’s climate laws. Legislators made the right decision in postponing a vote, and this rule should go back to the drawing board.”

Vermont's state house in autumn
Nov 30, 2022

The Future of Fossil Fuel Heat in Massachusetts

“We can’t burn our way out of this problem,” said Caitlin Peale Sloan, Vice President of CLF Massachusetts. “Burning oil and gas in our homes pollutes our air and worsens the effects of the climate crisis. The commission’s report is absolutely correct: we need to start planning now for a cleaner future without gas, whether it’s fossil gas or alternative methane gases.”

Heat pumps on the outside of a grey, wooden home while it is sunny outside.
Nov 29, 2022

Utilities Must Act Now to Protect Us from Climate Fallout

Fixing emergency power outages can cost electricity companies millions of dollars – costs they pass on to their customers. It is time for utility companies to update and reinforce their infrastructure to make it more capable of withstanding these storms.

A home with power lines covered in snow
Nov 18, 2022

Vermont Adopts Clean Car and Truck Rules

“Toxic pollution from cars and trucks overheats the earth and clogs the air in our communities,” said CLF staff attorney Chase Whiting. “These new rules will help us tackle the climate crisis while cleaning up the air for people and families in Vermont. This is truly a win-win, and it’s a huge step forward towards our clean energy future.”