Sep 12, 2019

CLF Challenges Trump Administration’s Appalling Clean Power Plan Replacement

In a move that will harm Americans’ health, economy, and climate, the Trump administration rolled out its proposed replacement to the Obama-era Clean Power Plan in June. The landmark Clean Power Plan was set to cut emissions from dirty coal plants—slashing pollution and combatting the looming climate crisis. CLF is fighting back against this shameless gift to the dying fossil fuel industry.

Trump's Clean Power Plan Replacement would worsen climate and air pollution
Jul 31, 2019

Disappointing Decisions Mark Rhode Island Legislative Session

This session, the Rhode Island General Assembly missed opportunities to make progress on a wide range of environmental issues. CLF and other environmental organizations pushed for action on the climate crisis, toxic chemicals, and plastics pollution, but no substantial new laws were enacted. It was not a total loss, however, as we were successful in preventing passage of some harmful measures.

Rhode Island State House in Providence
Jun 20, 2019

Rhode Island Rejects Invenergy

Today, Invenergy was denied a permit to pave over a pristine forest in Burrillville to build a fracked gas and diesel oil power plant that would emit carbon pollution for decades. This is a victory for CLF, for the people of Burrillville, and for a world facing a climate emergency.

Rhode Island Siting Board denies Invenergy a permit to build